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  • Artem Shinkarov's avatar
    This is a first attempt to add a documentation system for · 0ff0f590
    Artem Shinkarov authored
    SaC project.  The main idea is to integrate the documentation
    building process into the compilation process of sac2c.
    The document is written in texinfo format and then being
    automatically transformed into
      * pdf
      * html
      * man
    Texinfo is a tex-based mark-up language which may be transformed
    into various formats using `makeinfo' binary.  For more details
    please see
    Currently the commit consists of the following files:
      * doc/sac-texi: This is a main documentation source
        which is used as a source.
      * doc/macros.texi: Help macros used within sac.texi.
      * doc/, doc/
        Templates to generate documentation from sac *.mac
        files.  Both files are included in sac.texi
      * doc/ The script to convert man-related
        parts of the document into pod format, whic then
        will be converted into man page.
      * doc/jquery.js, doc/fixes.js: HTML is shit!  So in 
        order to make the content behave the way it should
        one has to use a java-script for different sort of
        tweaks.  Jquery library is specially designed for
        such sort of things.  All the real tweaking happens
        in `fixes.js' and currently the fixes are trivial,
        however in future we may wan to do some more things
        and it is nice to have a base for it.
      * doc/sac.css: CSS file, which is used when *.html
        version of the documentation is being produced.
      * doc/Makefile: Create all the documents with a single
        make command.
      * doc/buid/: A directory where the documents will be
        produced.  The reason for this directory is the fact
        that makeinfo prduces a lot of different files when
        generating the code.  Cleaning it up is a real pain,
        so having a separate directory for that solves the
    After you execute `make' in doc/ directory, you can see the
    results with:
      * man doc/build/sac.1         # for man page
      * firefox doc/build/sac.html  # for html
      * acroread doc/build/sac.pdf  $ for pdf