Inserted machinery for resizing the hive (number of worked threads) by putting bees to sleep using a semaphore.
* Whenever worker bees are created they enter a busy wait, waiting for a signal
* from the queen to start execution. When they need to work, the queen sends a
* signal to all bees by flipping a global flag. Bees then do their work and
* synchronise with the queen, after which they loop back and enter the busy
* wait again.
* Worker bees can be put to sleep, which happens through a semaphore, freeing
* up those threads for other processes on the system. The hive may be resized
* from the `SAC_MT_PTH_do_spmd_execute` function, in `mt_pth.h`. Resizing the
* hive is done right before signaling the start-barrier.
* We have three cases:
* 1) The hive shrinks; i.e. awake bees are put to sleep.
* 2) The hive grows; i.e. currently sleeping bees are woken.
* 3) The hive stays the same; nothing happens.
* Whenever the hive shrinks, the value of `num_awake_bees` is updated.
* When bees are signalled and exit their busy wait, they do a check of their
* thread-index and the value of num_awake_bees. If their index is less than
* num_awake_bees, they continue as normal and do their allotted work.
* Otherwise, it means that they should be asleep. In this case they instead
* wait on a semaphore.
* When the hive grows, the value of `num_awake_bees` is updated. The semaphores
* of all bees that were previously asleep, and should now be awake again, are
* posted. When this happens, those bees become awake again and they loop back
* into the busy wait, just like the other awake bees. Then, when the queen
* signals the bees to go back to work, all of those awake bees will start
* processing again.
* The beautiful ascii art below shows the happy-flow of this process. There is
* a single queen, and in this case we have two worker bees. On the y-axis is
* time. First, the hive is resized and bee 2 is marked as asleep. Then the
* queen sends a signal and both bees exit their busy wait. Bee 1 starts
* processing, bee 2 enters the semaphore. When bee 1 completes its work it
* synchronises with the queen, and loops back to its busy wait. Then the queen
* resizes the hive again. It posts the semaphore of bee 2. This wakes bee 2 up,
* and it then also loops back to its busy wait. The queen then sends a signal
* again, and both bees exit their busy wait and start processing.
* Queen Bee Bee
* | | |
* | ⟳ ⟳ Bees enter busy wait.
* |
* | W S
* Resize(1) |-----∧----∧ Mark bee 2 as asleep.
* |
* Signal |-----∧----∧ Signal all bees to start execution.
* | | |
* | | ☰ Bee 2 reaches sleep semaphore.
* | |
* | | ∧ Semaphore is posted, bee 2 enters busy wait.
* | | |
* Sync |<----| | Bee 1 is done and synchronises.
* | | |
* | ⟳ | Bee 1 enters busy wait.
* | |
* | W W
* Resize(2) |-----∧----∧ Wake up bee 2 by posting its semaphore.
* | v
* | |
* | ⟳ Bee 2 enters busy wait after semaphore is posted.
* |
* Signal |-----∧----∧ Signal all bees to start execution.
* | | |
* ... ... ...
* However, this can potentially go wrong! We can have a case where, after bee
* 2 is woken up, it takes too long for it to loop back to its busy waiting
* cycle. In then case, if the queen then sends the signal to all bees to start
* processing, bee 2 will miss the signal, and will get stuck in its busy wait,
* causing the program to stall at that point.
* Queen Bee Bee
* | | |
* | ⟳ ⟳ Bees enter busy wait.
* |
* | W S
* Resize(1) |-----∧----∧ Mark bee 2 as asleep.
* |
* Signal |-----∧----∧ Signal all bees to start execution.
* | | |
* | | ...
* Sync |<----| Bee 1 is done and synchronises.
* | |
* | ⟳ Bee 1 enters busy wait.
* |
* | W W
* Resize(2) |-----∧----∧ Wake up bee 2 by posting its semaphore.
* | The semaphore is not locked, so it is set to 1.
* |
* Signal |-----∧----∧ Signal all bees to start execution.
* | | X Bee 2 does not observe the signal!
* | |
* | | ...
* | | |
* | | ☰ Bee 2 reaches sleep semaphore. The value of the
* semaphore is 1, so the value is decremented and
* this bee immediately wakes up again. However we
* are too late, as the queen has already given
* the signal.
* Luckily the solution is relatively simple. Alongside `num_awake_bees`, we
* keep track of an atomic value `bees_not_yet_tucked_in`. This value is the
* number of bees that should be sleeping (i.e. the hive was shrunk), but that
* have not reached their semaphore yet. When the hive is shrunk, this value is
* set. Each bee then decrements this value right before entering its semaphore.
* When the hive grows, we first busy wait for this atomic value to reach zero,
* ensuring that all bees that should be asleep are actually asleep.