fold mt problem
When compiling
int add( int a, int b)
{ return _add_SxS_ (a, b); }
bool[.] true_indexes(bool vector) {
return vector ? with {} : genarray([10],false) : with {} : genarray ([17], false);
int count_true(bool[17] b) {
v = with {
([0] <= iv < [17]) : _sel_VxA_(iv, b) ? 1 : 0;
} : fold(add, 0);
return v;
int main() {
W = true_indexes(false);
Wlen = _sel_VxA_([0], _shape_A_(W));
compatible = with {
([0] <= [i] < [Wlen]) {
w = with {([0] <= [j] <[Wlen]): _sel_VxA_([i], W); } : genarray ([Wlen], false);
V_prime_basis = count_true(w);
}: V_prime_basis;
} : fold(add,0);
return compatible;
with sac2c-d -tmt_pth Reproduction.sac
sac2c-d -V
sac2c 1.3.3-MijasCosta-1240-g5b9e2
build-type: DEBUG
built-by: "sbs" at 2024-08-17T09:34:32
we get:
/Volumes/Users/sbs/Dropbox/BodoSac/quinten/a.out.c:2335:169: error: too many arguments to function call, expected 4, have 5
_tcp_3252_SACp_emal_2748_w = rdata[SAC_MT_son_id].in_0;; SACf__MAIN_CL_MT__add__i__i (SAC_MT_self, &SACl_compatible, SACl_compatible, _tcp_3252_SACp_emal_2748_w, _tcp_3252_SACp_emal_2748_w__desc);;;
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Volumes/Users/sbs/Dropbox/BodoSac/quinten/a.out.c:1159:6: note: 'SACf__MAIN_CL_MT__add__i__i' declared here
void SACf__MAIN_CL_MT__add__i__i( struct sac_bee_pth_t *SAC_MT_self, int * SAC_arg_1__p, int SACl_a, int SACl_b)
1 error generated.