Assertion "INFO_CEXPRS (arg_info) == NULL"
Got this cryptic error whilst trying to extend the functionality of the Structures library. Only fails with -check c enabled.
module StructuresPlus;
import Structures: all;
export all;
// inline complex * (complex X1, double X2)
// {
// return((complex)[((double[2])X1)[[0]] ScalarArith::* X2,
// ((double[2])X1)[[1]] ScalarArith::* X2]);
// }
// inline complex * (double X1, complex X2)
// {
// return((complex)[((double[2])X2)[[0]] ScalarArith::* X1,
// ((double[2])X2)[[1]] ScalarArith::* X1]);
// }
sac2c 1.3.3-MijasCosta-1187-gd6b95 build-type: RELEASE built-by: "rubenhensen" at 2024-04-06T22:46:02