Misleading sac2c -h text or maybe the compiler is busted
I did this:
cd build
sac2c logd.unittest.sac -o /tmp/crud2/foo.exe
This had the effects of:
- putting foo.exe into the current directory, and
- putting foo.exe.c into /tmp/crud/foo.exe.c.
I would like to be able to specify where sac2c puts the executable, but it looks like it always puts it in the current directory, regardless of the -o argument.
sac2c -h suggests that this might be possible:
When compiling a SAC program, sac2c stores the corresponding intermediate C code either in the file a.out.c in the current directory (default) or in the file .c if is specified using the -o option. Here, any absolute or relative path name may be used. The executable program is either written to the file a.out or to any file specified using the -o option.
Suggestions welcome.