1. 18 Aug, 2011 3 commits
  2. 17 Aug, 2011 1 commit
  3. 16 Aug, 2011 8 commits
  4. 15 Aug, 2011 6 commits
  5. 14 Aug, 2011 3 commits
  6. 13 Aug, 2011 1 commit
  7. 10 Aug, 2011 2 commits
    • Robert Bernecky's avatar
      Repair Bug #856. · e93d5f01
      Robert Bernecky authored
    • Robert Bernecky's avatar
      1. Rename sacprelude::Min and sacprelude::Max to · 6b2f152a
      Robert Bernecky authored
                sacprelude::intersectMin and sacprelude::intersectMax
        so they can be used by AWLF.
      2. Fix several AWLF bugs.
      3. Tidy up cubeslicer a wee bit.
      This version of AWLF appears to more or less work.
      It suffers from the AL/AS/DL bug and the VPid bug
      (aka IVE vs. LIR in Bodo's PM code), so we await
      fixes for those. However, if you have an AKD problem 
      you want to try it out on, do this:
        sac2c -O3 -doawlf foo.sac
  8. 09 Aug, 2011 3 commits
  9. 08 Aug, 2011 2 commits
  10. 05 Aug, 2011 1 commit
    • Robert Bernecky's avatar
      Introduce support for axis confluence on AWLF. · f13c6736
      Robert Bernecky authored
      This theoretically (aside from at least one
      memory-eating bug) completes the implementation of AWLF
      for unit stride (STEP) and unit WIDTH. 
      Several unit tests remain broken, notably:
      and others that are broken, pending repair
      of Bug #851, Bug #855, and Bug #853.
  11. 02 Aug, 2011 1 commit
    • Robert Bernecky's avatar
      1. Complete the implementation of support for holes · 85146dcc
      Robert Bernecky authored
         in AWLF. By holes, I mean index expressions of the form:
           _sel_VxA_( [2, i, j], producerWL) 
         appearing in consumerWLs.
      2. Add comment to SCCF re mask() optimization.
      This leaves AWLF mostly implemented. The missing 
      pieces are:
        a. support for non-unit STEP and WIDTH in WLs.
           This is not very high on my list, but it should
           be straightforward to implement.
        b. Support for * and / in index vector computations in WLs.
           This is ISMOP.
        c. Support for axis confluence in consumerWL axis computations.
           E.g., an expression of the form:
           _sel_VxA_( [ iv, iv + 2], producerWL);
          in which cube slicing is required. This is the most
          egregious fault in AWLF code, at present, I believe.
  12. 01 Aug, 2011 2 commits
  13. 31 Jul, 2011 1 commit
  14. 29 Jul, 2011 3 commits
  15. 28 Jul, 2011 2 commits
  16. 27 Jul, 2011 1 commit
    • Robert Bernecky's avatar
      Fix several more ugly CUBSL bugs. · df133bf8
      Robert Bernecky authored
      AWLF looking fairly good, but three problems remain:
       - axis confluence of indices (e.g., ProducerlWL[ iv, iv + 1])
         not coded yet.
       - Holes in axis sets (e.g., ProducerWL[ 2, iv])
         not coded yet.
       - NEEDCOUNT for WLs is wrong when hypercube slicing (CUBSL) is
         used. Somewhere, I think, I have left hanging PART_CODE
         blocks that are contributing to needcounts, and making
         AWLF reject the fold. No idea where they are coming from.