Thomas Macht authored
- Fixed warnings "may be uninitialized" for distmem mirror entries. - Added setting for minimum number of elements per node. - Added distributed memory heap manager distmemphm. Removed SAC_DISTMEM_Malloc and SAC_DISTMEM_seg_free_offs. Hopefully fixed diagnostic heap manager total memory. - Solved bug: only enter side effects execution mode once. - Only use barriers between broadcast phases if there is something to broadcast. - Improved detection of functions with side-effects. - Added exit code to libsacdistmem. - Moved logging of broadcasts to libsacdistmem. - Improved tracing, some refactoring and documentation. - Tried to improve detection of distributable arrays. - Now we are dealing with all possible inout/out arguments of functions with side effects. - Nested with-loops with sub-allocs should work.