This wiki entry describes the sac2c project structure.
Below are the top level directories of the sac2c codebase.
The layout is mostly what you would expect for a c project.
Most of the directories speak for themselves.
├── ci
├── cmake - cmake
└── options.cmake - Configure options when compiling sac
├── debug_distmem
├── doc - some docs
├── ext
├── include - header files to include sac
├── scripts - sac2c version manager and distmem scripts
├── setup
├── src - the source code of sac
└── tests
The most important directory is `src` where the source code lives.
In the src directory there are currently 12 directories:
├── include
├── libsac
├── libsac2c
├── libsaccinterface
├── libsacphm
├── libsacphmc
├── libsacprelude
├── maketools
├── runtime
├── tests
├── tools
└── unittests
Every directory which name starts with `lib` is a library.
Each library provides a distinct set of functionalities.
- `libsac`: [...]
- `libsac2c`: The compiler phases
- `libsaccinterface`: [...]
- `libsacphm`: [...]
- `libsacphmc`: [...]
- `libsacprelude`: [...]
The other directories serve different purposes:
Tests, tools build system and header files that allow one to include these libraries.
The idea is that the libraries are included in other programs.
Like for instance a program that makes a CLI interface to sac2c.
Once you input a sac file through the sac2c CLI the program will actually compile the file using the libsac2c library.
This way the code with the features in the library stay separate from the code that interacts with the real world.
The most important library is the `sac2clib` since this holds the code for all the compiler steps.
However, all libraries have the same structure.
Each library has a flat structure with on the first level of the library only directories and **no files** besides a CMake file.
The directories are meant to group code files together that belong to the same phase or topic of the compiler.
Most names are quite self-explanatory, but I annotated some of the maybe less obvious ones
├── arrayopt - array optimalizations
├── cinterface
├── codegen
├── concurrent
├── constants
├── constraints
├── cuda
├── cudahybrid
├── distmem
├── flatten
├── flexsub
├── funcpara
├── generics
├── global - Management, main functions, tools, global vars
├── memory
├── modules
├── multithread
├── mutc
├── nested
├── objects
├── platform
├── precompile - The step after the parsing
├── print - Printing the ast and data structures
├── profile
├── rtspec
├── scanparse - Scanner parser, first step
├── serialize
├── stdopt
├── support
├── tree - ast utility functions and macros
├── typecheck
├── types
├── visualize
├── wltransform
└── xml - The ast definition xml
└── CMakeLists.txt
Inside each directory there no further directories only code files.
You will find mostly `.c` and `.h` files.
Each `.c` file has a corresponding `.h` file of the same name.
You will also find some `.js`, `.html`, `.xml` and `xls`.
So to reiterate each library has 1 level of only directories which group related code files together and inside each directory there are only code files and no further directories.
Having this flat structure makes the project easy to navigate from the command line and easy to edit using vim.
For instance the print directory currently looks like this:
├── convert.c
├── convert.h
├── print.c
└── print.h
Each `.c` file has a corresponding `.h` file of the same name.
No further subdirectories.
Another important directory to be aware of is the [src/libsac2c/xml directory](ast.xml.md), but this is document in a separate wiki file. |
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