$quote "
$set ec_
last_line_incomplete last line of file ends without a newline
last_line_backslash last line of file ends with a backslash
include_recursion #include file %sq includes itself
out_of_memory out of memory
source_file_could_not_be_opened could not open source file %sq
comment_unclosed_at_eof comment unclosed at end of file
bad_token unrecognized token
unclosed_string missing closing quote
nested_comment nested comment is not allowed
bad_use_of_sharp \"#\" not expected here
bad_pp_directive_keyword unrecognized preprocessing directive
end_of_flush parsing restarts here after previous syntax error
exp_file_name expected a file name
extra_text_in_pp_directive extra text after expected end of preprocessing directive
tag_15 ec_removed_15
illegal_source_file_name %sq is not a valid source file name
exp_rbracket expected a \"]\"
exp_rparen expected a \")\"
extra_chars_on_number extra text after expected end of number
undefined_identifier identifier %sq is undefined
useless_type_qualifiers type qualifiers are meaningless in this declaration
bad_hex_digit invalid hexadecimal number
integer_too_large integer constant is too large
bad_octal_digit invalid octal digit
zero_length_string quoted string should contain at least one character
too_many_characters too many characters in character constant
bad_character_value character value is out of range
expr_not_constant expression must have a constant value
exp_primary_expr expected an expression
bad_float_value floating constant is out of range
expr_not_integral expression must have integral type
expr_not_arithmetic expression must have arithmetic type
exp_line_number expected a line number
bad_line_number invalid line number
error_directive #error directive: %s
missing_pp_if the #if for this directive is missing
missing_endif the #endif for this directive is missing
pp_else_already_appeared directive is not allowed -- an #else has already appeared
divide_by_zero division by zero
exp_identifier expected an identifier
expr_not_scalar expression must have arithmetic or pointer type
incompatible_operands operand types are incompatible (%t1 and %t2)
tag_43 ec_removed_43
expr_not_pointer expression must have pointer type
cannot_undef_predef_macro #undef may not be used on this predefined name
cannot_redef_predef_macro this predefined name may not be redefined
bad_macro_redef incompatible redefinition of macro %nod
tag_48 ec_removed_48
duplicate_macro_param_name duplicate macro parameter name
paste_cannot_be_first \"##\" may not be first in a macro definition
paste_cannot_be_last \"##\" may not be last in a macro definition
exp_macro_param expected a macro parameter name
exp_colon expected a \":\"
too_few_macro_args too few arguments in macro invocation
too_many_macro_args too many arguments in macro invocation
sizeof_function operand of sizeof may not be a function
bad_constant_operator this operator is not allowed in a constant expression
bad_pp_operator this operator is not allowed in a preprocessing expression
bad_constant_function_call function call is not allowed in a constant expression
bad_integral_operator this operator is not allowed in an integral constant expression
integer_overflow integer operation result is out of range
negative_shift_count shift count is negative
shift_count_too_large shift count is too large
useless_decl declaration does not declare anything
exp_semicolon expected a \";\"
enum_value_out_of_int_range enumeration value is out of \"int\" range
exp_rbrace expected a \"}\"
integer_sign_change integer conversion resulted in a change of sign
integer_truncated integer conversion resulted in truncation
incomplete_type_not_allowed incomplete type is not allowed
sizeof_bit_field operand of sizeof may not be a bit field
tag_72 ec_removed_72
tag_73 ec_removed_73
tag_74 ec_removed_74
bad_indirection_operand operand of \"*\" must be a pointer
empty_macro_argument argument to macro is empty
missing_decl_specifiers this declaration has no storage class or type specifier
initializer_in_param a parameter declaration may not have an initializer
exp_type_specifier expected a type specifier
storage_class_not_allowed a storage class may not be specified here
mult_storage_classes more than one storage class may not be specified
storage_class_not_first storage class is not first
dupl_type_qualifier type qualifier specified more than once
bad_combination_of_type_specifiers invalid combination of type specifiers
bad_param_storage_class invalid storage class for a parameter
bad_function_storage_class invalid storage class for a function
type_specifier_not_allowed a type specifier may not be used here
array_of_function array of functions is not allowed
array_of_void array of void is not allowed
function_returning_function function returning function is not allowed
function_returning_array function returning array is not allowed
param_id_list_needs_function_def identifier-list parameters may only be used in a function definition
function_type_must_come_from_declarator function type may not come from a typedef
array_size_must_be_positive the size of an array must be greater than zero
array_size_too_large array is too large
empty_translation_unit a translation unit must contain at least one declaration
bad_function_return_type a function may not return a value of this type
bad_array_element_type an array may not have elements of this type
decl_should_be_of_param a declaration here must declare a parameter
dupl_param_name duplicate parameter name
id_already_declared %sq has already been declared in the current scope
nonstd_forward_decl_enum forward declaration of enum type is nonstandard
class_too_large class is too large
struct_too_large struct or union is too large
bad_bit_field_size invalid size for bit field
bad_bit_field_type invalid type for a bit field
zero_length_bit_field_must_be_unnamed zero-length bit field must be unnamed
signed_one_bit_field implicitly-signed bit field of length 1
expr_not_ptr_to_function expression must have (pointer-to-) function type
exp_definition_of_tag expected either a definition or a tag name
code_is_unreachable statement is unreachable
exp_while expected \"while\"
tag_113 ec_removed_113
never_defined %n was referenced but not defined
continue_must_be_in_loop a continue statement may only be used within a loop
break_must_be_in_loop_or_switch a break statement may only be used within a loop or switch
no_value_returned_in_non_void_function non-void %n should return a value
value_returned_in_void_function a void function may not return a value
cast_to_bad_type cast to type %t is not allowed
bad_return_value_type return value type does not match the function type
case_label_must_be_in_switch a case label may only be used within a switch
default_label_must_be_in_switch a default label may only be used within a switch
case_label_appears_more_than_once case label value has already appeared in this switch
default_label_appears_more_than_once default label has already appeared in this switch
exp_lparen expected a \"(\"
expr_not_an_lvalue expression must be an lvalue
exp_statement expected a statement
loop_not_reachable loop is not reachable from preceding code
block_scope_function_must_be_extern a block-scope function may only have extern storage class
exp_lbrace expected a \"{\"
expr_not_ptr_to_class expression must have pointer-to-class type
expr_not_ptr_to_struct_or_union expression must have pointer-to-struct-or-union type
exp_member_name expected a member name
exp_field_name expected a field name
not_a_member %n has no member %sq
not_a_field %n has no field %sq
expr_not_a_modifiable_lvalue expression must be a modifiable lvalue
address_of_register_variable taking the address of a register variable is not allowed
address_of_bit_field taking the address of a bit field is not allowed
too_many_arguments too many arguments in function call
all_proto_params_must_be_named unnamed prototyped parameters not allowed when body is present
expr_not_pointer_to_object expression must have pointer-to-object type
program_too_large program too large or complicated to compile
bad_initializer_type a value of type %t1 cannot be used to initialize an entity of type %t2
cannot_initialize %n may not be initialized
too_many_initializer_values too many initializer values
not_compatible_with_previous_decl declaration is incompatible with %nfd
already_initialized %n has already been initialized
bad_file_scope_storage_class a global-scope declaration may not have this storage class
type_cannot_be_param_name a type name may not be redeclared as a parameter
typedef_cannot_be_param_name a typedef name may not be redeclared as a parameter
non_zero_int_conv_to_pointer conversion of nonzero integer to pointer
expr_not_class expression must have class type
expr_not_struct_or_union expression must have struct or union type
old_fashioned_assignment_operator old-fashioned assignment operator
old_fashioned_initializer old-fashioned initializer
expr_not_integral_constant expression must be an integral constant expression
expr_not_an_lvalue_or_function_designator expression must be an lvalue or a function designator
decl_incompatible_with_previous_use declaration is incompatible with previous %nod
external_name_clash name conflicts with previously used external name %sq
unrecognized_pragma unrecognized #pragma
tag_162 ec_removed_162
cannot_open_temp_file could not open temporary file %sq
temp_file_dir_name_too_long name of directory for temporary files is too long (%sq)
too_few_arguments too few arguments in function call
bad_float_constant invalid floating constant
incompatible_param argument of type %t1 is incompatible with parameter of type %t2
function_type_not_allowed a function type is not allowed here
exp_declaration expected a declaration
pointer_outside_base_object pointer points outside of underlying object
bad_cast invalid type conversion: %t1 to %t2
linkage_conflict external/internal linkage conflict with previous declaration
float_to_integer_conversion floating-point value does not fit in required integral type
expr_has_no_effect expression has no effect
subscript_out_of_range subscript out of range
tag_176 ec_removed_176
declared_but_not_referenced %n was declared but never referenced
pcc_address_of_array \"&\" applied to an array has no effect
mod_by_zero right operand of \"%%\" is zero
old_style_incompatible_param argument is incompatible with formal parameter
printf_arg_mismatch argument is incompatible with corresponding format string conversion
empty_include_search_path could not open source file %sq (no directories in search list)
cast_not_integral type of cast must be integral
cast_not_scalar type of cast must be arithmetic or pointer
initialization_not_reachable dynamic initialization in unreachable code
unsigned_compare_with_zero pointless comparison of unsigned integer with zero
assign_where_compare_meant use of \"=\" where \"==\" may have been intended
mixed_enum_type enumerated type mixed with another type
file_write_error error while writing %s file
bad_il_file invalid intermediate language file
cast_to_qualified_type type qualifier is meaningless on cast type
unrecognized_char_escape unrecognized character escape sequence
undefined_preproc_id zero used for undefined preprocessing identifier
exp_asm_string expected an asm string
asm_func_must_be_prototyped an asm function must be prototyped
bad_asm_func_ellipsis an asm function may not have an ellipsis
tag_197 ec_removed_197
asm_func_has_storage_class an asm function may not have a storage class
tag_199 ec_removed_199
tag_200 ec_removed_200
tag_201 ec_removed_201
asm_specifier_conflicts_with_prev invalid combination of asm control specifiers
extra_text_on_asm_control_line extra text after expected end of asm control line
tag_204 ec_removed_204
asm_name_already_defined this asm name is already defined
tag_206 ec_removed_206
tag_207 ec_removed_207
exp_asm_type expected an asm type specification
tag_209 ec_removed_209
tag_210 ec_removed_210
tag_211 ec_removed_211
tag_212 ec_removed_212
tag_213 ec_removed_213
tag_214 ec_removed_214
tag_215 ec_removed_215
tag_216 ec_removed_216
tag_217 ec_removed_217
tag_218 ec_removed_218
no_asm_func_parm_decl old-style parameter declarations prohibited on asm functions
ignore_asm_func_ellipsis an ellipsis associated with an asm macro is ignored
exp_asm_storage_specifier expected an asm storage mode specifier
exp_asm_param expected an asm formal parameter
untyped_param_reference asm macro parameter not specified on storage mode line
left_brace_in_asm_function left brace unexpected in asm macro
right_brace_in_asm_function right brace unexpected in asm macro
asm_parm_must_be_basic asm macro parameter must have basic or pointer type
asm_bad_storage_specifier Invalid asm macro storage specifier: %sq
inline_unmatched_end pragma has no corresponding begin
inline_begin_mismatch pragma does not match the corresponding begin at line %s
inline_mod_name_mismatch name does not match the corresponding begin at line %s
exp_assign_op expected a \"=\"
paren_mismatch parentheses do not match
bad_comment_type unknown comment record type
no_16_bit_convention 16-bit calling conventions are not supported
bad_call_convention invalid calling convention
exp_string expected a string
bad_alignment_constraint invalid alignment constraint
pack_bad_code use of the pack feature can cause mis-aligned accesses and result in inefficient code
floating_underflow floating point underflow
nonstd_varargs omission of ellipsis not a standard feature
cl_cannot_open_argument_file cannot open argument file
cl_unrecognized_extension unrecognized extension option
cl_asm_file_must_be_specified asm output file name must be specified if input is
cl_invalid_assertion invalid assertion:
cl_invalid_asm_output_file invalid asm output file
cl_cannot_open_asm_output_file cannot open asm output file
asm_bad_type_operand invalid operand for assembly type operator
asm_too_many_replacements too many C symbol replacements in an assembly language instruction
bad_asm_constant invalid constant in assembly language instruction
exp_on_off \"on\" or \"off\" expected
no_null_string invalid use of null string; pragma ignored
exp_identifier_or_string expected an identifier or a string
init_seg_defined initialization segment already defined
bad_init_seg_kind invalid initialization segment kind
alloc_text_defined text segment already specified
exp_function_name expected a function name
exp_struct_ref expected a structure reference
exp_class_tag_name expected a class type tag name
no_rtti_support run-time support for RTTI is disabled
not_this_asm %s not supported in this environment
bad_dll_linkage inconsistent dll linkage
file_delete_error error while deleting file %sq
integer_to_float_conversion integral value does not fit in required floating-point type
float_to_float_conversion floating-point value does not fit in required floating-point type
bad_float_operation_result floating-point operation result is out of range
implicit_func_decl function declared implicitly
too_few_printf_args the format string requires additional arguments
too_many_printf_args the format string ends before this argument
bad_printf_format_string invalid format string conversion
macro_recursion macro recursion
nonstd_extra_comma trailing comma is nonstandard
enum_bit_field_too_small bit field cannot contain all values of the enumerated type
nonstd_bit_field_type nonstandard type for a bit field
decl_in_prototype_scope declaration is not visible outside of function
decl_of_void_ignored old-fashioned typedef of \"void\" ignored
old_fashioned_field_selection left operand is not a struct or union containing this field
old_fashioned_ptr_field_selection pointer does not point to struct or union containing this field
var_retained_incomp_type variable %sq was declared with a never-completed type
boolean_controlling_expr_is_constant controlling expression is constant
switch_selector_expr_is_constant selector expression is constant
bad_param_specifier invalid specifier on a parameter
bad_specifier_outside_class_decl invalid specifier outside a class declaration
dupl_decl_specifier duplicate specifier in declaration
base_class_not_allowed_for_union a union is not allowed to have a base class
access_already_specified multiple access control specifiers are not allowed
missing_class_definition class or struct definition is missing
name_not_member_of_class_or_base_classes qualified name is not a member of class %t or its base classes
member_ref_requires_object a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object
nonstatic_member_def_not_allowed a nonstatic data member may not be defined outside its class
already_defined %n has already been defined
pointer_to_reference pointer to reference is not allowed
reference_to_reference reference to reference is not allowed
reference_to_void reference to void is not allowed
array_of_reference array of reference is not allowed
missing_initializer_on_reference reference %n requires an initializer
exp_comma expected a \",\"
type_identifier_not_allowed type name is not allowed
type_definition_not_allowed type definition is not allowed
bad_type_name_redeclaration invalid redeclaration of type name %nod
missing_initializer_on_const const %n requires an initializer
this_used_incorrectly \"this\" may only be used inside a nonstatic member function
constant_value_not_known constant value is not known
missing_type_specifier explicit type is missing (\"int\" assumed)
missing_access_specifier access control not specified (%sq by default)
not_a_class_or_struct_name not a class or struct name
dupl_base_class_name duplicate base class name
bad_base_class invalid base class
no_access_to_name %n is inaccessible
ambiguous_name %no is ambiguous
old_style_parameter_list old-style parameter list (anachronism)
declaration_after_statements declaration may not appear after executable statement in block
inaccessible_base_class conversion to inaccessible base class %t is not allowed
tag_313 ec_removed_313
tag_314 ec_removed_314
tag_315 ec_removed_315
tag_316 ec_removed_316
improperly_terminated_macro_call improperly terminated macro invocation
tag_318 ec_removed_318
id_must_be_class_or_namespace_name name followed by \"::\" must be a class or namespace name
bad_friend_decl invalid friend declaration
value_returned_in_constructor a constructor or destructor may not return a value
bad_destructor_decl invalid destructor declaration
class_and_member_name_conflict declaration of a member with the same name as its class
global_qualifier_not_allowed global-scope qualifier (leading \"::\") is not allowed
name_not_found_in_file_scope the global scope has no %sq
qualified_name_not_allowed qualified name is not allowed
null_reference NULL reference is not allowed
brace_initialization_not_allowed initialization with \"{...}\" is not allowed for object of type %t
ambiguous_base_class base class %t is ambiguous
ambiguous_derived_class derived class %t1 contains more than one instance of class %t2
derived_class_from_virtual_base cannot convert pointer to base class %t2 to pointer to derived class %t1 -- base class is virtual
no_matching_constructor no instance of constructor %no matches the argument list
ambiguous_copy_constructor copy constructor for class %t is ambiguous
no_default_constructor no default constructor exists for class %t
not_a_field_or_base_class %sq is not a nonstatic data member or base class of class %t
indirect_nonvirtual_base_class_not_allowed indirect nonvirtual base class is not allowed
bad_union_field invalid union member -- class %t has a disallowed member function
tag_338 ec_removed_338
bad_rvalue_array invalid use of non-lvalue array
exp_operator expected an operator
inherited_member_not_allowed inherited member is not allowed
indeterminate_overloaded_function cannot determine which instance of %n is intended
bound_function_must_be_called a pointer to a bound function may only be used to call the function
duplicate_typedef typedef name has already been declared (with same type)
function_redefinition %n has already been defined
tag_346 ec_removed_346
no_matching_function no instance of %n matches the argument list
type_def_not_allowed_in_func_type_decl type definition is not allowed in function return type declaration
default_arg_not_at_end default argument not at end of parameter list
default_arg_already_defined redefinition of default argument
ambiguous_overloaded_function more than one instance of %n matches the argument list:
ambiguous_constructor more than one instance of constructor %no matches the argument list:
bad_default_arg_type default argument of type %t1 is incompatible with parameter of type %t2
return_type_cannot_distinguish_functions cannot overload functions distinguished by return type alone
no_user_defined_conversion no suitable user-defined conversion from %t1 to %t2 exists
function_qualifier_not_allowed type qualifier is not allowed on this function
virtual_static_not_allowed only nonstatic member functions may be virtual
unqual_function_with_qual_object the object has cv-qualifiers that are not compatible with the member function
too_many_virtual_functions program too large to compile (too many virtual functions)
bad_return_type_on_virtual_function_override return type is not identical to nor covariant with return type %t of overridden virtual function %n
ambiguous_virtual_function_override override of virtual %n is ambiguous
pure_specifier_on_nonvirtual_function pure specifier (\"= 0\") allowed only on virtual functions
bad_pure_specifier badly-formed pure specifier (only \"= 0\" is allowed)
bad_data_member_initialization data member initializer is not allowed
abstract_class_object_not_allowed object of abstract class type %t is not allowed:
function_returning_abstract_class function returning abstract class %t is not allowed:
duplicate_friend_decl duplicate friend declaration
inline_and_nonfunction inline specifier allowed on function declarations only
inline_not_allowed \"inline\" is not allowed
bad_storage_class_with_inline invalid storage class for an inline function
bad_member_storage_class invalid storage class for a class member
local_class_function_def_missing local class member %n requires a definition
inaccessible_special_function %nf is inaccessible
tag_374 ec_removed_374
missing_const_copy_constructor class %t has no copy constructor to copy a const object
definition_of_implicitly_declared_function defining an implicitly declared member function is not allowed
no_suitable_copy_constructor class %t has no suitable copy constructor
linkage_specifier_not_allowed linkage specification is not allowed
bad_linkage_specifier unknown external linkage specification
incompatible_linkage_specifier linkage specification is incompatible with previous %nod
overloaded_function_linkage more than one instance of overloaded function %no has \"C\" linkage
ambiguous_default_constructor class %t has more than one default constructor
temp_used_for_ref_init value copied to temporary, reference to temporary used
nonmember_operator_not_allowed \"operator%s\" must be a member function
static_member_operator_not_allowed operator may not be a static member function
too_many_args_for_conversion no arguments allowed on user-defined conversion
too_many_args_for_operator too many parameters for this operator function
too_few_args_for_operator too few parameters for this operator function
no_params_with_class_type nonmember operator requires a parameter with class type
default_arg_expr_not_allowed default argument is not allowed
ambiguous_user_defined_conversion more than one user-defined conversion from %t1 to %t2 applies:
no_matching_operator_function no operator %sq matches these operands
ambiguous_operator_function more than one operator %sq matches these operands:
bad_arg_type_for_operator_new first parameter of allocation function must be of type \"size_t\"
bad_return_type_for_op_new allocation function requires \"void *\" return type
bad_return_type_for_op_delete deallocation function requires \"void\" return type
bad_first_arg_type_for_operator_delete first parameter of deallocation function must be of type \"void *\"
tag_398 ec_removed_398
type_must_be_object_type type must be an object type
base_class_already_initialized base class %t has already been initialized
base_class_init_anachronism base class name required -- %t assumed (anachronism)
member_already_initialized %n has already been initialized
missing_base_class_or_member_name name of member or base class is missing
assignment_to_this assignment to \"this\" (anachronism)
overload_anachronism \"overload\" keyword used (anachronism)
anon_union_member_access invalid anonymous union -- nonpublic member is not allowed
anon_union_member_function invalid anonymous union -- member function is not allowed
anon_union_storage_class anonymous union at global or namespace scope must be declared static
missing_initializer_on_fields %nf provides no initializer for:
cannot_initialize_fields implicitly generated constructor for class %t cannot initialize:
no_ctor_but_const_or_ref_member %n defines no constructor to initialize the following:
var_with_uninitialized_member %n has an uninitialized const or reference member
var_with_uninitialized_field %n has an uninitialized const field
missing_const_assignment_operator class %t has no assignment operator to copy a const object
no_suitable_assignment_operator class %t has no suitable assignment operator
ambiguous_assignment_operator ambiguous assignment operator for class %t
tag_417 ec_removed_417
missing_typedef_name declaration requires a typedef name
tag_419 ec_removed_419
virtual_not_allowed \"virtual\" is not allowed
static_not_allowed \"static\" is not allowed
bound_function_cast_anachronism cast of bound function to normal function pointer (anachronism)
expr_not_ptr_to_member expression must have pointer-to-member type
extra_semicolon extra \";\" ignored
nonstd_const_member nonstandard member constant declaration (standard form is a static const integral member)
tag_426 ec_removed_426
no_matching_new_function no instance of overloaded %no matches the argument list
tag_428 ec_removed_428
no_match_for_addr_of_overloaded_function no instance of %n matches the required type
delete_count_anachronism delete array size expression used (anachronism)
tag_431 ec_removed_431
cast_to_abstract_class a cast to abstract class %t is not allowed:
bad_use_of_main function \"main\" may not be called or have its address taken
initializer_not_allowed_on_array_new a new-initializer may not be specified for an array
member_function_redecl_outside_class member function %no may not be redeclared outside its class
ptr_to_incomplete_class_type_not_allowed pointer to incomplete class type is not allowed
ref_to_nested_function_var reference to local variable of enclosing function is not allowed
single_arg_postfix_incr_decr_anachronism single-argument function used for postfix %sq (anachronism)
tag_439 ec_removed_439
bad_default_assignment implicitly generated assignment operator cannot copy:
nonstd_array_cast cast to array type is nonstandard (treated as cast to %t)
class_with_op_new_but_no_op_delete %n has an operator new%s() but no default operator delete%s()
class_with_op_delete_but_no_op_new %n has a default operator delete%s() but no operator new%s()
base_class_with_nonvirtual_dtor destructor for base class %t is not virtual
tag_445 ec_removed_445
member_function_redeclaration %np has already been declared
inline_main function \"main\" may not be declared inline
class_and_member_function_name_conflict member function with the same name as its class must be a constructor
nested_class_anachronism using nested %n (anachronism)
too_many_params_for_destructor a destructor may not have parameters
bad_constructor_param copy constructor for class %t may not have a parameter of type %t
incomplete_function_return_type %n returns incomplete type %t
protected_access_problem protected %n is not accessible through a %t pointer or object
param_not_allowed a parameter is not allowed
asm_decl_not_allowed an \"asm\" declaration is not allowed here
no_conversion_function no suitable conversion function from %t1 to %t2 exists
delete_of_incomplete_class delete of pointer to incomplete class
no_constructor_for_conversion no suitable constructor exists to convert from %t1 to %t2
ambiguous_constructor_for_conversion more than one constructor applies to convert from %t1 to %t2:
ambiguous_conversion_function more than one conversion function from %t1 to %t2 applies:
ambiguous_conversion_to_builtin more than one conversion function from %t to a built-in type applies:
tag_462 const %n
tag_463 reference %n
tag_464 %npT
tag_465 built-in operator %sq
tag_466 %no (ambiguous by inheritance)
addr_of_constructor_or_destructor a constructor or destructor may not have its address taken
dollar_used_in_identifier dollar sign (\"$\") used in identifier
nonconst_ref_init_anachronism temporary used for initial value of reference to non-const (anachronism)
qualifier_in_member_declaration qualified name is not allowed in member declaration
mixed_enum_type_anachronism enumerated type mixed with another type (anachronism)
new_array_size_must_be_nonnegative the size of an array in \"new\" must be non-negative
return_ref_init_requires_temp returning reference to local temporary
tag_474 ec_removed_474
enum_not_allowed \"enum\" declaration is not allowed
qualifier_dropped_in_ref_init qualifiers dropped in binding reference of type %t1 to initializer of type %t2
bad_nonconst_ref_init a reference of type %t1 (not const-qualified) cannot be initialized with a value of type %t2
delete_of_function_pointer a pointer to function may not be deleted
bad_conversion_function_decl conversion function must be a nonstatic member function
bad_template_declaration_scope template declaration is not allowed here
exp_lt expected a \"<\"
exp_gt expected a \">\"
missing_template_param template parameter declaration is missing
missing_template_arg_list argument list for %nf is missing
too_few_template_args too few arguments for %nf
too_many_template_args too many arguments for %nf
tag_487 ec_removed_487
not_used_in_template_function_params %n1 is not used in declaring the parameter types of %n2
cfront_multiple_nested_types two nested types have the same name: %no1 and %nod2 (cfront compatibility)
cfront_global_defined_after_nested_type global %no1 was declared after nested %nod2 (cfront compatibility)
tag_491 ec_removed_491
ambiguous_ptr_to_overloaded_function more than one instance of %n matches the required type
nonstd_long_long the type \"long long\" is nonstandard
nonstd_friend_decl omission of %sq is nonstandard
return_type_on_conversion_function return type may not be specified on a conversion function
tag_496 detected during:
tag_497 instantiation of %nt %p
tag_498 implicit generation of %nt %p
runaway_recursive_instantiation excessive recursion at instantiation of %n
bad_template_declaration %sq is not a function or static data member
bad_nontype_template_arg argument of type %t1 is incompatible with template parameter of type %t2
init_needing_temp_not_allowed initialization requiring a temporary or conversion is not allowed
decl_hides_function_parameter declaration of %sq hides function parameter
nonconst_ref_init_from_rvalue initial value of reference to non-const must be an lvalue
tag_505 implicit definition of %nt %p
template_not_allowed \"template\" is not allowed
not_a_class_template %t is not a class template
tag_508 ec_removed_508
function_template_named_main \"main\" is not a valid name for a function template
union_nonunion_mismatch invalid reference to %n (union/nonunion mismatch)
local_type_in_template_arg a template argument may not reference a local type
tag_kind_incompatible_with_declaration tag kind of %s is incompatible with declaration of %nfd
name_not_tag_in_file_scope the global scope has no tag named %sq
not_a_tag_member %n has no tag member named %sq
ptr_to_member_typedef member function typedef (allowed for cfront compatibility)
bad_use_of_member_function_typedef %n may be used only in pointer-to-member declaration
tag_517 ec_removed_517
nonexternal_entity_in_template_arg a template argument may not reference a non-external entity
id_must_be_class_or_type_name name followed by \"::~\" must be a class name or a type name
destructor_name_mismatch destructor name does not match name of class %t
destructor_type_mismatch type used as destructor name does not match type %t
called_function_redeclared_inline %n redeclared \"inline\" after being called
tag_523 ec_removed_523
bad_storage_class_on_template_decl invalid storage class for a template declaration
no_access_to_type_cfront_mode %n is an inaccessible type (allowed for compatibility)
tag_526 ec_removed_526
invalid_instantiation_argument invalid explicit instantiation declaration
not_instantiatable_entity %nf is not an entity that can be instantiated
compiler_generated_function_cannot_be_instantiated compiler generated %n cannot be explicitly instantiated
inline_function_cannot_be_instantiated inline %n cannot be explicitly instantiated
tag_531 ec_removed_531
instantiation_requested_no_definition_supplied %n cannot be instantiated -- no template definition was supplied
instantiation_requested_and_specialized %n cannot be instantiated -- it has been explicitly specialized
tag_534 ec_removed_534
tag_535 ec_removed_535
no_match_for_type_of_overloaded_function no instance of %n matches the specified type
nonstd_void_param_list declaring a void parameter list with a typedef is nonstandard
cfront_name_lookup_bug global %n1 used instead of %n2 (cfront compatibility)
redeclaration_of_template_param_name template parameter %sq may not be redeclared in this scope
decl_hides_template_parameter declaration of %sq hides template parameter
must_be_prototype_instantiation template argument list must match the parameter list
tag_542 ec_removed_542
bad_extra_arg_for_postfix_operator extra parameter of postfix \"operator%s\" must be of type \"int\"
function_type_required an operator name must be declared as a function
operator_name_not_allowed operator name is not allowed
bad_scope_for_specialization %n cannot be specialized in the current scope
nonstd_member_function_address nonstandard form for taking the address of a member function
too_few_template_params too few template parameters -- does not match previous declaration
too_many_template_params too many template parameters -- does not match previous declaration
template_operator_delete function template for operator delete(void *) is not allowed
class_template_same_name_as_templ_param class template and template parameter may not have the same name
tag_552 ec_removed_552
unnamed_type_in_template_arg a template argument may not reference an unnamed type
enum_type_not_allowed enumerated type is not allowed
qualified_reference_type type qualifier on a reference type is not allowed
incompatible_assignment_operands a value of type %t1 cannot be assigned to an entity of type %t2
unsigned_compare_with_negative pointless comparison of unsigned integer with a negative constant
converting_to_incomplete_class cannot convert to incomplete class %t
missing_initializer_on_unnamed_const const object requires an initializer
unnamed_object_with_uninitialized_field object has an uninitialized const or reference member
nonstd_pp_directive nonstandard preprocessing directive
unexpected_template_arg_list %n may not have a template argument list
missing_initializer_list initialization with \"{...}\" expected for aggregate object
incompatible_ptr_to_member_selection_operands pointer-to-member selection class types are incompatible (%t1 and %t2)
self_friendship pointless friend declaration
period_used_as_qualifier \".\" used in place of \"::\" to form a qualified name
const_function_anachronism non-const function called for const object (anachronism)
dependent_stmt_is_declaration a dependent statement may not be a declaration
void_param_not_allowed a parameter may not have void type
tag_570 instantiation of %na %p
tag_571 processing of template argument list for %na %p
bad_templ_arg_expr_operator this operator is not allowed in a template argument expression
missing_handler try block requires at least one handler
missing_exception_declaration handler requires an exception declaration
masked_by_default_handler handler is masked by default handler
masked_by_handler handler is potentially masked by previous handler for type %t
local_type_used_in_exception use of a local type to specify an exception
redundant_exception_specification_type redundant type in exception specification
incompatible_exception_specification exception specification is incompatible with that of previous %nd%s=':'
tag_580 previously specified: no exceptions will be thrown
tag_581 previously omitted: %t
tag_582 previously specified but omitted here: %t
no_exception_support C++ exception handler found but GX option not present
omitted_exception_specification omission of exception specification is incompatible with previous %nd
cannot_create_instantiation_request_file could not create instantiation request file %sq
non_arith_operation_in_templ_arg non-arithmetic operation not allowed in nontype template argument
local_type_in_nonlocal_var use of a local type to declare a nonlocal variable
local_type_in_function use of a local type to declare a function
branch_past_initialization transfer of control bypasses initialization of:
tag_590 %nd
branch_into_handler transfer of control into an exception handler
used_before_set %n is used before its value is set
set_but_not_used %n was set but never used
bad_scope_for_definition %n cannot be defined in the current scope
exception_specification_not_allowed exception specification is not allowed
template_and_instance_linkage_conflict external/internal linkage conflict for %nfd
conversion_function_not_usable %nf will not be called for implicit or explicit conversions
tag_kind_incompatible_with_template_parameter tag kind of %s is incompatible with template parameter of type %t
template_operator_new function template for operator new(size_t) is not allowed
tag_600 ec_removed_600
bad_member_type_in_ptr_to_member pointer to member of type %t is not allowed
ellipsis_on_operator_function ellipsis is not allowed in operator function parameter list
unimplemented_keyword %no is reserved for future use as a keyword
cl_invalid_macro_definition invalid macro definition:
cl_invalid_macro_undefinition invalid macro undefinition:
cl_invalid_preprocessor_output_file invalid preprocessor output file
cl_cannot_open_preprocessor_output_file cannot open preprocessor output file
cl_il_file_must_be_specified IL file name must be specified if input is
cl_invalid_il_output_file invalid IL output file
cl_cannot_open_il_output_file cannot open IL output file
cl_invalid_C_output_file invalid C output file
cl_cannot_open_C_output_file cannot open C output file
cl_error_in_debug_option_argument error in debug option argument
cl_invalid_option invalid option:
cl_back_end_requires_il_file back end requires name of IL file
cl_could_not_open_il_file could not open IL file
cl_invalid_number invalid number:
cl_incorrect_host_id incorrect host CPU id
cl_invalid_instantiation_mode invalid instantiation mode:
tag_620 ec_removed_620
cl_invalid_error_limit invalid error limit:
cl_invalid_raw_listing_output_file invalid raw-listing output file
cl_cannot_open_raw_listing_output_file cannot open raw-listing output file
cl_invalid_xref_output_file invalid cross-reference output file
cl_cannot_open_xref_output_file cannot open cross-reference output file
cl_invalid_error_output_file invalid error output file
cl_cannot_open_error_output_file cannot open error output file
cl_vtbl_option_only_in_cplusplus virtual function tables can only be suppressed when compiling C++
cl_anachronism_option_only_in_cplusplus anachronism option can be used only when compiling C++
cl_instantiation_option_only_in_cplusplus instantiation mode option can be used only when compiling C++
cl_auto_instantiation_option_only_in_cplusplus automatic instantiation mode can be used only when compiling C++
cl_implicit_inclusion_option_only_in_cplusplus implicit template inclusion mode can be used only when compiling C++
cl_exceptions_option_only_in_cplusplus exception handling option can be used only when compiling C++
cl_strict_ansi_incompatible_with_pcc strict ANSI mode is incompatible with K&R mode
cl_strict_ansi_incompatible_with_cfront strict ANSI mode is incompatible with cfront mode
cl_missing_source_file_name missing source file name
cl_output_file_incompatible_with_multiple_inputs output files may not be specified when compiling several input files
cl_too_many_arguments too many arguments on command line
cl_no_output_file_needed an output file was specified, but none is needed
cl_il_display_requires_il_file_name IL display requires name of IL file
void_template_parameter a template parameter may not have void type
too_many_unused_instantiations excessive recursive instantiation of %n due to instantiate-all mode
cl_strict_ansi_incompatible_with_anachronisms strict ANSI mode is incompatible with allowing anachronisms
void_throw a throw expression may not have void type
cl_tim_local_conflicts_with_auto_instantiation local instantiation mode is incompatible with automatic instantiation
abstract_class_param_type parameter of abstract class type %t is not allowed:
array_of_abstract_class array of abstract class %t is not allowed:
float_template_parameter floating-point template parameter is nonstandard
pragma_must_precede_declaration this pragma must immediately precede a declaration
pragma_must_precede_statement this pragma must immediately precede a statement
pragma_must_precede_decl_or_stmt this pragma must immediately precede a declaration or statement
pragma_may_not_be_used_here this kind of pragma may not be used here
tag_653 ec_removed_653
partial_override overloaded virtual function %no1 is only partially overridden in %n2
specialization_of_called_inline_template_function specific definition of inline template function must precede its first use
cl_invalid_error_tag invalid error tag in diagnostic control option:
cl_invalid_error_number invalid error number in diagnostic control option:
param_type_ptr_to_array_of_unknown_bound parameter type involves pointer to array of unknown bound
param_type_ref_array_of_unknown_bound parameter type involves reference to array of unknown bound
ptr_to_member_cast_to_ptr_to_function pointer-to-member-function cast to pointer to function
no_named_fields struct or union declares no named members
nonstd_unnamed_field nonstandard unnamed field
nonstd_unnamed_member nonstandard unnamed member
tag_664 ec_removed_664
cl_invalid_pch_output_file invalid precompiled header output file
cl_cannot_open_pch_output_file cannot open precompiled header output file
not_a_type_name %sq is not a type name
cl_cannot_open_pch_input_file cannot open precompiled header input file
invalid_pch_file precompiled header file %sq is either invalid or not generated by this version of the compiler
pch_curr_directory_changed precompiled header file %sq was not generated in this directory
pch_header_files_have_changed header files used to generate precompiled header file %sq have changed
pch_cmd_line_option_mismatch the command line options do not match those used when precompiled header file %sq was created
pch_file_prefix_mismatch the initial sequence of preprocessing directives is not compatible with those of precompiled header file %sq
unable_to_get_mapped_memory unable to obtain mapped memory
using_pch \"%s\": using precompiled header file \"%s\"
creating_pch \"%s\": creating precompiled header file \"%s\"
memory_mismatch memory usage conflict with precompiled header file %sq
cl_invalid_pch_size invalid PCH memory size
cl_pch_must_be_first PCH options must appear first in the command line
out_of_memory_during_pch_allocation insufficient memory for PCH memory allocation
cl_pch_incompatible_with_multiple_inputs precompiled header files may not be used when compiling several input files
not_enough_preallocated_memory_fail insufficient preallocated memory for generation of precompiled header file (use option /Qpch_mem%s)
program_entity_too_large_for_pch very large entity in program prevents generation of precompiled header file
cannot_chdir %sq is not a valid directory
cannot_build_temp_file_name cannot build temporary file name
restrict_not_allowed \"restrict\" is not allowed
restrict_pointer_to_function a pointer or reference to function type may not be qualified by \"restrict\"
bad_declspec_modifier %sq is an unrecognized __declspec attribute
calling_convention_not_allowed a calling convention modifier may not be specified here
conflicting_calling_conventions conflicting calling convention modifiers
cl_strict_ansi_incompatible_with_microsoft strict ANSI mode is incompatible with Microsoft mode
cl_cfront_incompatible_with_microsoft cfront mode is incompatible with Microsoft mode
calling_convention_ignored calling convention specified here is ignored
calling_convention_may_not_precede_nested_declarator a calling convention may not be followed by a nested declarator
calling_convention_ignored_for_type calling convention is ignored for this type
tag_696 ec_removed_696
decl_modifiers_incompatible_with_previous_decl declaration modifiers are incompatible with previous declaration
decl_modifiers_invalid_for_this_decl the modifier %sq is not allowed on this declaration
branch_into_try_block transfer of control into a try block
incompatible_inline_specifier_on_specific_decl inline specification is incompatible with previous %nod
template_missing_closing_brace closing brace of template definition not found
cl_wchar_t_option_only_in_cplusplus wchar_t keyword option can be used only when compiling C++
bad_pack_alignment invalid alignment value
exp_int_constant expected an integer constant
call_of_pure_virtual call of pure virtual function
bad_ident_string invalid source file identifier string
template_friend_definition_not_allowed a class template cannot be defined in a friend declaration
asm_not_allowed \"asm\" is not allowed
bad_asm_function_def \"asm\" must be used with a function definition
nonstd_asm_function \"asm\" function is nonstandard
nonstd_ellipsis_only_param ellipsis with no explicit parameters is nonstandard
nonstd_address_of_ellipsis \"&...\" is nonstandard
bad_address_of_ellipsis invalid use of \"&...\"
tag_714 ec_removed_714
const_volatile_ref_init_anachronism temporary used for initial value of reference to const volatile (anachronism)
bad_const_volatile_ref_init a reference of type %t1 cannot be initialized with a value of type %t2
const_volatile_ref_init_from_rvalue initial value of reference to const volatile must be an lvalue
cl_SVR4_C_option_only_in_ansi_C SVR4 C compatibility option can be used only when compiling ANSI C
using_out_of_scope_declaration using out-of-scope declaration of %nd
cl_strict_ansi_incompatible_with_SVR4 strict ANSI mode is incompatible with SVR4 C mode
cannot_inline_call call of %nd cannot be inlined
cannot_inline %n cannot be inlined
cl_invalid_pch_directory invalid PCH directory:
exp_except_or_finally expected __except or __finally
leave_must_be_in_try a __leave statement may only be used within a __try
tag_726 detected during instantiation of %nt %p
tag_727 detected during implicit generation of %nt %p
tag_728 detected during instantiation of %na %p
tag_729 detected during processing of template argument list for %na %p
tag_730 detected during implicit definition of %nt %p
not_found_on_pack_alignment_stack %sq not found on pack alignment stack
empty_pack_alignment_stack empty pack alignment stack
cl_rtti_option_only_in_cplusplus RTTI option can be used only when compiling C++
inaccessible_elided_cctor %nf, required for copy that was eliminated, is inaccessible
uncallable_elided_cctor %nf, required for copy that was eliminated, is not callable because reference parameter cannot be bound to rvalue
typeid_needs_typeinfo <typeinfo> must be included before typeid is used
cannot_cast_away_const %s cannot cast away const or other type qualifiers
bad_dynamic_cast_type the type in a dynamic_cast must be a pointer or reference to a complete class type, or void *
bad_ptr_dynamic_cast_operand the operand of a pointer dynamic_cast must be a pointer to a complete class type
bad_ref_dynamic_cast_operand the operand of a reference dynamic_cast must be an lvalue of a complete class type
dynamic_cast_operand_must_be_polymorphic the operand of a runtime dynamic_cast must have a polymorphic class type
cl_bool_option_only_in_cplusplus bool option can be used only when compiling C++
tag_743 ec_removed_743
array_type_not_allowed an array type is not allowed here
exp_assign expected an \"=\"
exp_declarator_in_condition_decl expected a declarator in condition declaration
redeclaration_of_condition_decl_name %sq, declared in condition, may not be redeclared in this scope
default_template_arg_not_allowed default template arguments are not allowed for function templates
exp_comma_or_gt expected a \",\" or \">\"
missing_template_param_list expected a template parameter list
incr_of_bool_deprecated incrementing a bool value is deprecated
bool_type_not_allowed bool type is not allowed
base_class_offset_too_large offset of base class %no1 within class %no2 is too large
expr_not_bool expression must have bool type (or be convertible to bool)
cl_array_new_and_delete_option_only_in_cplusplus array new and delete option can be used only when compiling C++
based_requires_variable_name %n is not a variable name
based_not_allowed_here __based modifier is not allowed here
based_not_followed_by_star __based does not precede a pointer operator, __based ignored
based_var_must_be_ptr variable in __based modifier must have pointer type
bad_const_cast_type the type in a const_cast must be a pointer, reference, or pointer to member to an object type
bad_const_cast a const_cast can only adjust type qualifiers; it cannot change the underlying type
mutable_not_allowed mutable is not allowed
cannot_change_access redeclaration of %n is not allowed to alter its access
nonstd_printf_format_string nonstandard format string conversion
probable_inadvertent_lbracket_digraph use of alternative token \"<:\" appears to be unintended
probable_inadvertent_sharp_digraph use of alternative token \"%%:\" appears to be unintended
namespace_def_not_allowed namespace definition is not allowed
missing_namespace_name name must be a namespace name
namespace_alias_def_not_allowed namespace alias definition is not allowed
namespace_qualified_name_required namespace-qualified name is required
namespace_name_not_allowed a namespace name is not allowed
bad_combination_of_dll_attributes invalid combination of DLL attributes
sym_not_a_class_template %n is not a class template
array_of_incomplete_type array with incomplete element type is nonstandard
allocation_operator_in_namespace allocation operator may not be declared in a namespace
deallocation_operator_in_namespace deallocation operator may not be declared in a namespace
conflicts_with_using_decl %np1 conflicts with using-declaration of %np2
using_decl_conflicts_with_prev_decl using-declaration of %np1 conflicts with %npd2
cl_namespaces_option_only_in_cplusplus namespaces option can be used only when compiling C++
useless_using_declaration using-declaration ignored -- it refers to the current namespace
class_qualified_name_required a class-qualified name is required
tag_782 argument types are: (%s)
tag_783 operand types are: %s
tag_784 ec_removed_784
not_an_actual_member %n has no actual member %sq
tag_786 ec_removed_786
mem_attrib_incompatible incompatible memory attributes specified
mem_attrib_ignored memory attribute ignored
mem_attrib_may_not_precede_nested_declarator memory attribute may not be followed by a nested declarator
dupl_mem_attrib memory attribute specified more than once
dupl_calling_convention calling convention specified more than once
type_qualifier_not_allowed a type qualifier is not allowed
template_instance_already_used %npd1 was used before its template was declared
static_nonstatic_with_same_param_types static and nonstatic member functions with same parameter types cannot be overloaded
no_prior_declaration no prior declaration of %np
template_id_not_allowed a template-id is not allowed
class_qualified_name_not_allowed a class-qualified name is not allowed
bad_scope_for_redeclaration %n may not be redeclared in the current scope
qualifier_in_namespace_member_decl qualified name is not allowed in namespace member declaration
sym_not_a_type_name %n is not a type name
explicit_instantiation_not_in_namespace_scope explicit instantiation is not allowed in the current scope
bad_scope_for_explicit_instantiation %n cannot be explicitly instantiated in the current scope
multiple_explicit_instantiations %n explicitly instantiated more than once
typename_not_in_template typename may only be used within a template
cl_special_subscript_cost_option_only_in_cplusplus special_subscript_cost option can be used only when compiling C++
cl_typename_option_only_in_cplusplus typename option can be used only when compiling C++
cl_implicit_typename_option_only_in_cplusplus implicit typename option can be used only when compiling C++
nonstd_character_at_start_of_macro_def nonstandard character at start of object-like macro definition
exception_spec_override_incompat exception specification for virtual %n1 is incompatible with that of overridden %n2
pointer_conversion_loses_bits conversion from %t1 to %t2 may lose significant bits
generated_exception_spec_override_incompat exception specification for implicitly declared virtual %n1 is incompatible with that of overridden %n2
implicit_call_of_ambiguous_name %no1, implicitly called from %np2, is ambiguous
cl_explicit_option_only_in_cplusplus option \"explicit\" can be used only when compiling C++
explicit_not_allowed \"explicit\" is not allowed
conflicts_with_predeclared_type_info declaration conflicts with %sq (reserved class name)
array_member_initialization only \"()\" is allowed as initializer for array %n
virtual_function_template \"virtual\" is not allowed in a function template declaration
anon_union_class_member_template invalid anonymous union -- class member template is not allowed
template_depth_mismatch template nesting depth does not match the previous declaration of %n
multiple_template_decls_not_allowed this declaration cannot have multiple \"template <...>\" clauses
cl_old_for_init_option_only_in_cplusplus option to control the for-init scope can be used only when compiling C++
redeclaration_of_for_init_decl_name %sq, declared in for-loop initialization, may not be redeclared in this scope
hidden_by_old_for_init reference is to %nd1 -- under old for-init scoping rules it would have been %nd2
cl_for_init_diff_warning_option_only_in_cplusplus option to control warnings on for-init differences can be used only when compiling C++
unnamed_class_virtual_function_def_missing definition of virtual %n is required here
svr4_token_pasting_comment empty comment interpreted as token-pasting operator \"##\"
storage_class_in_friend_decl a storage class is not allowed in a friend declaration
templ_param_list_not_allowed template parameter list for %no is not allowed in this declaration
bad_member_template_sym %n is not a valid member class or function template
bad_member_template_decl not a valid member class or function template declaration
specialization_follows_param_list a template declaration containing a template parameter list may not be followed by an explicit specialization declaration
specialization_of_referenced_template explicit specialization of %n1 must precede the first use of %n2
explicit_specialization_not_in_namespace_scope explicit specialization is not allowed in the current scope
partial_specialization_not_allowed partial specialization of %n is not allowed
entity_cannot_be_specialized %nf is not an entity that can be explicitly specialized
specialization_of_referenced_entity explicit specialization of %n must precede its first use
template_param_in_elab_type template parameter %sq may not be used in an elaborated type specifier
old_specialization_not_allowed specializing %n requires \"template<>\" syntax
tag_839 ec_removed_839
tag_840 ec_removed_840
cl_old_specializations_option_only_in_cplusplus option \"old_specializations\" can be used only when compiling C++
nonstd_old_specialization specializing %n without \"template<>\" syntax is nonstandard
bad_linkage_for_decl this declaration may not have extern \"C\" linkage
not_a_template_name %sq is not a class or function template name in the current scope
nonstd_default_arg_on_function_template_redecl specifying a default argument when redeclaring an unreferenced function template is nonstandard
default_arg_on_function_template_not_allowed specifying a default argument when redeclaring an already referenced function template is not allowed
pm_derived_class_from_virtual_base cannot convert pointer to member of base class %t2 to pointer to member of derived class %t1 -- base class is virtual
bad_exception_specification_for_specialization exception specification is incompatible with that of %nd%s=':'
omitted_exception_specification_on_specialization omission of exception specification is incompatible with %nd
unexpected_end_of_default_arg unexpected end of default argument expression
default_init_of_reference default-initialization of reference is not allowed
uninitialized_field_with_const_member uninitialized %n has a const member
uninitialized_base_class_with_const_member uninitialized base class %t has a const member
missing_default_constructor_on_const const %n requires an initializer -- class %t has no explicitly declared default constructor
missing_default_constructor_on_unnamed_const const object requires an initializer -- class %t has no explicitly declared default constructor
cl_impl_extern_c_conv_option_only_in_cplusplus option \"implicit_extern_c_type_conversion\" can be used only when compiling C++
cl_strict_ansi_incompatible_with_long_preserving strict ANSI mode is incompatible with long preserving rules
useless_type_qualifier_on_return_type type qualifier on return type is meaningless
type_qualifier_on_void_return_type in a function definition a type qualifier on a \"void\" return type is not allowed
static_data_member_not_allowed static data member declaration is not allowed in this class
invalid_declaration template instantiation resulted in an invalid function declaration
ellipsis_not_allowed \"...\" is not allowed
cl_extern_inline_option_only_in_cplusplus option \"extern_inline\" can be used only when compiling C++
extern_inline_never_defined extern inline %n was referenced but not defined
invalid_destructor_name invalid destructor name for type %t
tag_866 ec_removed_866
ambiguous_destructor destructor reference is ambiguous -- both %n1 and %n2 could be used
virtual_inline_never_defined virtual inline %n was never defined
unreferenced_function_param %n was never referenced
union_already_initialized only one member of a union may be specified in a constructor initializer list
no_array_new_and_delete_support support for \"new[]\" and \"delete[]\" is disabled
double_for_long_double \"double\" used for \"long double\" in generated C code
no_corresponding_delete %n has no corresponding operator delete%s (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object)
useless_placement_delete support for placement delete is disabled
no_appropriate_delete no appropriate operator delete is visible
ptr_or_ref_to_incomplete_type pointer or reference to incomplete type is not allowed
bad_partial_specialization invalid partial specialization -- %n is already fully specialized
incompatible_exception_specs incompatible exception specifications
returning_ref_to_local_variable returning reference to local variable
nonstd_implicit_int omission of explicit type is nonstandard (\"int\" assumed)
ambiguous_partial_spec more than one partial specialization matches the template argument list of %n
tag_882 %no
partial_spec_is_primary_template a template argument list is not allowed in a declaration of a primary template
default_not_allowed_on_partial_spec partial specializations may not have default template arguments
not_used_in_partial_spec_arg_list %n1 is not used in template argument list of %n2
tag_886 ec_removed_886
partial_spec_arg_depends_on_templ_param the template argument list of the partial specialization includes a nontype argument whose type depends on a template parameter
partial_spec_after_instantiation this partial specialization would have been used to instantiate %n
partial_spec_after_instantiation_ambiguous this partial specialization would have been made the instantiation of %n ambiguous
expr_not_integral_or_enum expression must have integral or enum type
expr_not_arithmetic_or_enum expression must have arithmetic or enum type
expr_not_arithmetic_or_enum_or_pointer expression must have arithmetic, enum, or pointer type
cast_not_integral_or_enum type of cast must be integral or enum
cast_not_arithmetic_or_enum_or_pointer type of cast must be arithmetic, enum, or pointer
expr_not_object_pointer expression must be a pointer to a complete object type
tag_896 ec_removed_896
partial_spec_nontype_expr a partial specialization nontype argument must be the name of a nontype parameter or a constant
different_return_type_on_virtual_function_override return type is not identical to return type %t of overridden virtual function %n
cl_guiding_decls_option_only_in_cplusplus option \"guiding_decls\" can be used only when compiling C++
member_partial_spec_not_in_namespace a partial specialization of a class template must be declared in the namespace of which it is a member
pure_virtual_function %n is a pure virtual function
no_overrider_for_pure_virtual_function pure virtual %n has no overrider
decl_modifiers_ignored __declspec attributes ignored
invalid_char invalid character in input line
incomplete_return_type function returns incomplete type %t
local_pragma_pack effect of this \"#pragma pack\" directive is local to %n
not_a_template %s is not a template
friend_partial_specialization a friend declaration may not declare a partial specialization
exception_specification_ignored exception specification ignored
unexpected_type_for_size_t declaration of \"size_t\" does not match the expected type %t
exp_gt_not_shift_right space required between adjacent \">\" delimiters of nested template argument lists (\">>\" is the right shift operator)
bad_multibyte_char_locale could not set locale %sq to allow processing of multibyte characters
bad_multibyte_char invalid multibyte character sequence
bad_type_from_instantiation template instantiation resulted in unexpected function type of %t1 (the meaning of a name may have changed since the template declaration -- the type of the template is %t2)
ambiguous_guiding_decl ambiguous guiding declaration -- more than one function template %no matches type %t
non_integral_operation_in_templ_arg non-integral operation not allowed in nontype template argument
cl_embedded_cplusplus_option_only_in_cplusplus option \"embedded_c++\" can be used only when compiling C++
templates_in_embedded_cplusplus Embedded C++ does not support templates
exceptions_in_embedded_cplusplus Embedded C++ does not support exception handling
namespaces_in_embedded_cplusplus Embedded C++ does not support namespaces
rtti_in_embedded_cplusplus Embedded C++ does not support run-time type information
new_cast_in_embedded_cplusplus Embedded C++ does not support the new cast syntax
using_decl_in_embedded_cplusplus Embedded C++ does not support using-declarations
mutable_in_embedded_cplusplus Embedded C++ does not support \"mutable\"
multiple_inheritance_in_embedded_cplusplus Embedded C++ does not support multiple or virtual inheritance
cl_invalid_microsoft_version invalid Microsoft version number:
inheritance_kind_already_set pointer-to-member representation %sq has already been set for %n
bad_constructor_type %t1 cannot be used to designate constructor for %t2
bad_suffix invalid suffix on integral constant
uuidof_requires_uuid_class_type operand of __uuidof must have a class or enum type for which __declspec(uuid(\"...\")) has been specified
bad_uuid_string invalid GUID string in __declspec(uuid(\"...\"))
cl_vla_option_only_in_C option \"vla\" can be used only when compiling C
vla_with_unspecified_bound_not_allowed variable length array with unspecified bound is not allowed
explicit_template_args_not_allowed an explicit template argument list is not allowed on this declaration
variably_modified_type_not_allowed an entity with linkage cannot have a type involving a variable length array
vla_is_not_auto a variable length array cannot have static storage duration
sym_not_a_template %n is not a template
tag_938 variable length array dimension (declared %p)
expected_template_arg expected a template argument
tag_940 ec_removed_940
no_params_with_class_or_enum_type nonmember operator requires a parameter with class or enum type
cl_enum_overloading_option_only_in_cplusplus option \"enum_overloading\" can be used only when compiling C++
tag_943 ec_removed_943
destructor_qualifier_type_mismatch qualifier of destructor name %t1 does not match type %t2
type_qualifier_ignored type qualifier ignored
cl_nonstandard_qualifier_deduction_option_only_in_cplusplus option \"nonstd_qualifier_deduction\" can be used only when compiling C++
tag_947 ec_removed_947
bad_declspec_property incorrect property specification; correct form is __declspec(property(get=name1,put=name2))
dupl_get_or_put property has already been specified
declspec_property_not_allowed __declspec(property) is not allowed on this declaration
no_get_property member is declared with __declspec(property), but no \"get\" function was specified
get_property_function_missing the __declspec(property) \"get\" function %sq is missing
no_put_property member is declared with __declspec(property), but no \"put\" function was specified
put_property_function_missing the __declspec(property) \"put\" function %sq is missing
dual_lookup_ambiguous_name ambiguous class member reference -- %nd1 used in preference to %nd2
bad_allocate_segname missing or invalid segment name in __declspec(allocate(\"...\"))
declspec_allocate_not_allowed __declspec(allocate) is not allowed on this declaration
dupl_allocate_segname a segment name has already been specified
undeclared_segment_name segment name must be declared in a pragma
illegal_segment_pragma_redeclaration illegal segment pragma redeclaration
cl_invalid_import_wrapper_output_file invalid import wrapper output file
cl_cannot_open_import_wrapper_output_file cannot open import wrapper output file
no_emms_before_return no EMMS instruction before return
no_emms_before_call no EMMS instruction before call
no_emms_before_float_op no EMMS instruction before floating-point operation
mmx_float_mix mixing floating-point and MMX(TM) instructions may hurt performance
pointer_conversion_size_mismatch conversion from %t1 to %t2; sizes do not match
pm_virtual_base_from_derived_class cannot convert pointer to member of derived class %t1 to pointer to member of base class %t2 -- base class is virtual
cl_invalid_instantiation_directory invalid directory for instantiation files:
cl_one_instantiation_per_object_option_only_in_cplusplus option \"one_instantiation_per_object\" can be used only when compiling C++
invalid_output_file invalid output file: %sq
cannot_open_output_file cannot open output file: %sq
cl_ii_file_name_incompatible_with_multiple_inputs an instantiation information file name may not be specified when compiling several input files
cl_one_instantiation_per_object_incompatible_with_multiple_inputs option \"one_instantiation_per_object\" may not be used when compiling several input files
cl_ambiguous_option more than one command line option matches the abbreviation \"--%s\":
tag_976 --%s
cv_qualified_function_type type qualifiers on function types are ignored
cannot_open_definition_list_file cannot open definition list file: %sq
cl_late_tiebreaker_option_only_in_cplusplus late/early tiebreaker option can be used only when compiling C++
intrinsic_argument_count wrong number of actual arguments to intrinsic function %sq
order_of_evaluation_unspecified operands are evaluated in unspecified order
bad_mmx_type_declaration erroneous type declaration; check that your compiler and header files match
bad_cpu_name not a valid CPU name
too_many_segments too many segments in object file
name_truncated identifier %sq was truncated in debug information
declaration_changes_in_ANSI_C declaration introduces new type in standard C
modifying_typedef typedef may not be modified in standard C
always_true_compare comparison always evaluates to true
always_false_compare comparison always evaluates to false
nonportable_path #include of %sq may be non-portable
slash_comments_are_nonstandard //-style comments are nonstandard
nonstd_macro_recursion macro recursion is nonstandard
macro_replacement_in_string macro replacement within a string literal or character constant
pragma_qualifier_conflict invalid combination of pragma qualifiers
unknown_pragma_qualifier unknown pragma qualifier
intrinsic_argument_out_of_range value of immediate argument to intrinsic is out of range
no_emms_in_function function uses MMX(TM) instructions, but contains no EMMS instruction
ebx_in_stack_align reference to EBX in a function requiring stack alignment
bad_va_start incorrect use of va_start
bad_va_arg incorrect use of va_arg
bad_va_end incorrect use of va_end
cl_pending_instantiations_option_only_in_cplusplus pending instantiations option can be used only when compiling C++
cl_invalid_import_directory invalid directory for #import files:
cl_import_only_in_microsoft an import directory can be specified only in Microsoft mode
ref_not_allowed_in_union a member with reference type is not allowed in a union
typedef_not_allowed \"typedef\" may not be specified here
redecl_changes_access redeclaration of %n alters its access
qualified_name_required a class or namespace qualified name is required
implicit_int_on_main return type \"int\" omitted in declaration of function \"main\"
invalid_inheritance_kind_for_class pointer-to-member representation %sq is too restrictive for %n
implicit_return_from_non_void_function missing return statement at end of non-void %n
duplicate_using_decl duplicate using-declaration of %no ignored
unsigned_enum_bit_field_with_signed_enumerator enum bit-fields are always unsigned, but enum %t includes negative enumerator
cl_class_name_injection_option_only_in_cplusplus option \"class_name_injection\" can be used only when compiling C++
cl_arg_dependent_lookup_option_only_in_cplusplus option \"arg_dep_lookup\" can be used only when compiling C++
cl_friend_injection_option_only_in_cplusplus option \"friend_injection\" can be used only when compiling C++
invalid_name_after_template name following \"template\" must be a member template
tag_1018 ec_removed_1018
conflicting_section_attributes conflicting section attributes
ignore_attributes_standard_section attributes for standard section %sq ignored
unexpected_section Unexpected section %sq
empty_pointer_size_stack #pragma pointer_size(pop...) : more pops than pushes
no_matching_id_on_pointer_size_stack #pragma pointer_size(pop,...) : did not find previously pushed identifier %sq
bad_pointer_size expected pragma pointer_size parameter to be '32' or '64'
unary_zero_extend zero extending result of unary operation
pragma_not_global_scope pragma %s should be at global scope
mixed_ceh_and_seh __try in function containing objects with destructors
unknown_warning_specifier unknown warning specifier
warning_level_out_of_range warning level out of range, expected value between 1 and 4
expected_warning_number expected a warning number
pop_without_push pop without corresponding push
omp_directive syntax error in omp directive
omp_unsupported_directive unsupported omp directive
omp_unimplemented_directive unimplemented omp directive
omp_clause syntax error in %s clause
omp_unsupported_clause unsupported omp clause
omp_unimplemented_clause unimplemented omp clause
omp_clause_symbol invalid entity for this variable list in %s clause
omp_incompatible_clause %s clause is incompatible with directive
omp_two_if directive cannot contain more than one if clause
omp_two_schedule directive cannot contain more than one schedule clause
omp_two_nowait directive cannot contain more than one nowait clause
omp_two_default directive cannot contain more than one default clause
omp_no_cpp unsupported C++ object in data access clause
omp_bad_for_init OpenMP for-init does not conform
omp_bad_for_test OpenMP for-test does not conform
omp_bad_for_incr OpenMP for-incr does not conform
omp_nested_critical_same_name nested critical directives with same name
omp_two_ordered directive cannot contain more than one ordered clause
omp_expecting_for omp for directive requires a proceeding for statement
negative_chunk_size negative chunk size not allowed
misplaced_qualifier qualifier should be after \"*\"
omp_break_in_region break cannot be used to exit %s region
omp_illegal_return illegal return in %s construct
omp_illegal_branch illegal branch into omp construct
master_in_for master directive is not allowed in extent of for, sections, single, and taskq directives
for_in_master for, sections, single, or taskq directive is not allowed in extent of critical, master, and ordered directives
barrier_in_master barrier directive is not allowed in extent of for, sections, single, taskq, critical, master, and ordered directives
omp_barrier_contain_in_nonblock the smallest statement containing a barrier or flush must be a block or compound statement
omp_case_sensitive Open MP directives are case sensitive
omp_directive_nonblock directive bound to nonblock
omp_illegal_nesting_in_parallel for, sections, single, and taskq directives cannot be nested if bound to the same parallel directive
omp_illegal_copyin copyin variable must be threadprivate
omp_atomic_bad_op Illegal operation in atomic expression
omp_atomic_bad_expr Atomic is bound to an illegal construct
omp_illegal_default_none_var Illegal reference to variable under default none
omp_bad_for_init_signed Open MP for-init variable should be signed integer type
tag_1068 ec_removed_1068
omp_threadprivate_var_illegal_access_clause threadprivate variable cannot appear in private, firstprivate, lastprivate, captureprivate, shared, or reduction clauses
omp_const_reduction_var reduction variable cannot be const-qualified
float_not_supported Floating-point types are not supported by EFI target
not_enough_preallocated_memory_recompile insufficient preallocated memory for generation of precompiled header file: producing %s and recompiling
could_not_create_pchs error creating pchs file
omp_threadprivate_scope threadprivate directive must be at file or namespace scope or have static storage
omp_bad_threadprivate_var threadprivate variable should not be incomplete or reference type
local_class_friend_requires_prior_decl nonstandard local-class friend declaration -- no prior declaration in the enclosing scope
nonstd_default_arg specifying a default argument on this declaration is nonstandard
cl_nonstd_using_decl_option_only_in_cplusplus option \"nonstd_using_decl\" can be used only when compiling C++
bad_return_type_on_main return type of function \"main\" must be \"int\"
template_parameter_has_class_type a nontype template parameter may not have class type
default_arg_on_member_decl a default template argument cannot be specified on the declaration of a member of a class template outside of its class
return_from_ctor_function_try_block_handler a return statement is not allowed in a handler of a function try block of a constructor
no_ordinary_and_extended_designators ordinary and extended designators cannot be combined in an initializer designation
no_negative_designator_range the second subscript must not be smaller than the first
cl_designators_option_only_in_C option \"designators\" can be used only when compiling C
cl_extended_designators_option_only_in_C option \"extended_designators\" can be used only when compiling C
extra_bits_ignored declared size for bit field is larger than the size of the bit field type; truncated to %s bits
constructor_type_mismatch type used as constructor name does not match type %t
type_with_no_linkage_in_var_with_linkage use of a type with no linkage to declare a variable with linkage
type_with_no_linkage_in_function use of a type with no linkage to declare a function
return_type_on_constructor return type may not be specified on a constructor
return_type_on_destructor return type may not be specified on a destructor
malformed_universal_character incorrectly formed universal character name
invalid_UCN universal character name specifies an invalid character
UCN_names_basic_char a universal character name cannot designate a character in the basic character set
invalid_identifier_UCN this universal character is not allowed in an identifier
VA_ARGS_not_allowed the identifier __VA_ARGS__ can only appear in the replacement lists of variadic macros
friend_qualification_ignored the qualifier on this friend declaration is ignored
no_range_designator_with_dynamic_init array range designators cannot be applied to dynamic initializers
property_name_not_allowed property name cannot appear here
inline_qualifier_ignored \"inline\" used as a function qualifier is ignored
cl_compound_literals_option_only_in_C option \"compound_literals\" can be used only when compiling C
vla_not_allowed a variable-length array type is not allowed
bad_integral_compound_literal a compound literal is not allowed in an integral constant expression
bad_compound_literal_type a compound literal of type %t is not allowed
friend_template_in_local_class a template friend declaration cannot be declared in a local class
ambiguous_question_operator ambiguous \"?\" operation: second operand of type %t1 can be converted to third operand type %t2, and vice versa
bad_call_of_class_object call of an object of a class type without appropriate operator() or conversion functions to pointer-to-function type
tag_1109 surrogate function from conversion %np
ambiguous_class_call there is more than one way an object of type %t can be called for the argument list:
similar_typedef typedef name has already been declared (with similar type)
no_internal_linkage_for_new_or_delete operator new and operator delete cannot be given internal linkage
no_mutable_allowed_on_anonymous_union storage class \"mutable\" is not allowed for anonymous unions
bad_pch_file invalid precompiled header file
abstract_class_catch_type abstract class type %t is not allowed as catch type:
bad_qualified_function_type a qualified function type cannot be used to declare a nonmember function or a static member function
bad_qualified_function_type_parameter a qualified function type cannot be used to declare a parameter
ptr_or_ref_to_qualified_function_type cannot create a pointer or reference to qualified function type
nonstd_braces extra braces are nonstandard
bad_cmd_line_macro invalid macro definition:
nonstandard_ptr_minus_ptr subtraction of pointer types %t1 and %t2 is nonstandard
empty_template_param_list an empty template parameter list is not allowed in a template template parameter declaration
exp_class expected \"class\"
struct_not_allowed the \"class\" keyword must be used when declaring a template template parameter
virtual_function_decl_hidden %np2 is hidden by %no1 -- virtual function override intended?
no_qualified_friend_definition a qualified name is not allowed for a friend declaration that is a function definition
not_compatible_with_templ_templ_param %n1 is not compatible with %n2
storage_class_requires_function_or_variable a storage class may not be specified here
member_using_must_be_visible_in_direct_base class member designated by a using-declaration must be visible in a direct base class
tag_1130 ec_removed_1130
cl_sun_incompatible_with_cfront Sun mode is incompatible with cfront mode
cl_strict_ansi_incompatible_with_sun strict ANSI mode is incompatible with Sun mode
cl_sun_mode_only_in_cplusplus Sun mode is only allowed when compiling C++
template_template_param_same_name_as_templ_param a template template parameter cannot have the same name as one of its template parameters
recursive_def_arg_instantiation recursive instantiation of default argument
tag_1136 ec_removed_1136
bad_template_name %n is not an entity that can be defined
destructor_name_must_be_qualified destructor name must be qualified
no_typename_in_friend_class_decl friend class name may not be introduced with \"typename\"
no_ctor_or_dtor_using_declaration a using-declaration may not name a constructor or destructor
friend_is_nonreal_template a qualified friend template declaration must refer to a specific previously declared template
bad_class_template_decl invalid specifier in class template declaration
simple_incompatible_param argument is incompatible with formal parameter
cl_dep_name_option_only_in_cplusplus option \"dep_name\" can be used only when compiling C++
op_arrow_loop loop in sequence of \"operator->\" functions starting at class %t1
not_a_member_class %n has no member class %sq
name_not_class_in_file_scope the global scope has no class named %sq
recursive_inst_of_templ_default_arg recursive instantiation of template default argument
no_access_or_using_decl_in_union access declarations and using-declarations cannot appear in unions
not_class_member %no is not a class member
nonstd_const_member_decl_not_allowed nonstandard member constant declaration is not allowed
cl_ignore_std_option_only_in_cplusplus option \"ignore_std\" can be used only when compiling C++
cl_parse_nonclass_templates_option_only_in_cplusplus option \"parse_templates\" can be used only when compiling C++
cl_dep_name_requires_parse_nonclass_templates option \"dep_name\" cannot be used with \"no_parse_templates\"
omp_section_in_sections section directive must be in lexical extent of sections directive
omp_need_section sections directive requires at least one enclosed section directive
omp_const_private_var private variable cannot be const-qualified
omp_pointer_reduction_var reduction variable cannot be pointer or reference type
omp_ordered_no_ordered ordered directive with no binding ordered clause
omp_bad_private_var private variable must not be incomplete or reference type
omp_illegal_branch_out illegal branch out of omp construct
omp_bad_reduction_op reduction variable is incompatible with reduction operator
ixp1200_type_restriction micro-C does not support char, short, float and double types
ixp1200_conflicting_memory_attributes conflicting memory attributes
ixp1200_bad_pointer pointer to improperly sized or aligned item
ixp1200_float_not_supported floating point types are not supported
ixp1200_pointer_to_func_not_supported pointers to functions are not supported
ixp1200_redundant_memory_qual memory attributes are not meaningful on struct/union fields
cl_incompatible_language_modes language modes specified are incompatible
invalid_nested_class_redecl invalid redeclaration of nested class
flexible_array_member_not_allowed type containing an unknown-size array is not allowed
static_variable_in_inline_function a variable with static storage duration cannot be defined within an inline function
bad_linkage_of_ref_within_inline_function an entity with internal linkage cannot be referenced within an inline function with external linkage
type_generic_function_mismatch argument type %t does not match this type-generic function macro
tag_1175 variable length array %nod
friend_cannot_add_default_arguments friend declaration cannot add default arguments to previous declaration
cannot_be_declared_in_scope %n cannot be declared in this scope
id_can_only_appear_in_function the reserved identifier %sq may only be used inside a function
invalid_identifier_start_UCN this universal character cannot begin an identifier
exp_string_literal expected a string literal
unrecognized_stdc_pragma unrecognized STDC pragma
bad_stdc_pragma_arg expected \"ON\", \"OFF\", or \"DEFAULT\"
stdc_pragma_not_allowed_here a STDC pragma may only appear between declarations in the global scope or before any statements or declarations in a block scope
bad_va_copy incorrect use of va_copy
only_applies_to_float_types %s can only be used with float, double, or long double types
complex_type_not_allowed complex type is not allowed
invalid_designator_kind invalid designator kind
inexact_fp_conversion floating-point value cannot be represented exactly
bad_complex_operation_result complex floating-point operation result is out of range
real_imaginary_conversion conversion between real and imaginary yields zero
cannot_initialize_flexible_array_member an initializer cannot be specified for a flexible array member
imaginary_times_assign imaginary *= imaginary sets the left-hand operand to zero
undeclared_parameter standard requires that %n be given a type by a subsequent declaration (\"int\" assumed)
inline_never_defined a definition is required for inline %n
conversion_to_pointer_loses_bits conversion from integer to smaller pointer
missing_floating_point_type a float, double or long double type must be included in the type specifier for a _Complex or _Imaginary type
unsupported_declspec_modifier %sq is an unsupported __declspec attribute
omp_mismatch_iter_var initialization, test, and iteration variable should be the same
omp_cpp_operator_missing object requires a %sq
ipcp_arg_mismatch a constant with incorrect type reaches this point
disabling_function_packaging too many functions; disabling COMDAT function packaging
gnu_asm_bad_constraint_char illegal character %s in asm operand constraint
gnu_asm_bad_dgt_constraint1 digit constraint must specify an output operand
gnu_asm_bad_dgt_constraint2 digit illegal in output operand constraint
gnu_asm_bad_output_marker illegal '=' or '+' in input operand
gnu_asm_cant_match_constraint cannot match asm operand constraint
gnu_asm_max_ops_exceeded maximum number of operands exceeded for asm instruction
gnu_asm_no_output_marker output operand constraint must begin with '=' or '+'
gnu_asm_alternative_mismatch number of alternatives in asm operand constraints must match
gnu_asm_bad_subst_directive bad substitution directive in asm instruction
gnu_asm_op_doesnt_exist substitution directive specifies non-existant operand in asm instruction
gnu_asm_bad_a_directive 'a' modifier used on operand that cannot be printed as an address
gnu_asm_bad_cn_directive 'c' or 'n' modifier used on operand that is not constant
gnu_asm_bad_h_directive 'h' modifier used on operand that isn't stored in eax, ebx, ecx, or edx
gnu_asm_bad_modifier unrecognized modifier character %s in substitution directive
gnu_asm_bad_register unknown register name %s in asm statement
gnu_asm_bad_fpout floating point output constraint must specify a single register
gnu_asm_bad_fpout2 floating point output operands must be grouped at top of stack
gnu_asm_bad_fpin floating point input operands must not leave empty spaces on the stack
gnu_asm_bad_fpin2 popped floating point input operands must be grouped at top of stack
gnu_asm_needs_ec fp output operand must use early clobber constraint
gnu_asm_not_allocable can't allocate registers for asm instruction
omp_two_num_threads directive cannot contain more than one num_threads clause
warning_directive #warning directive: %s
omp_shared_for_var iteration variable should be private
omp_bad_flush_var flush variable must not have a reference type
deprecated_symbol symbol was declared as deprecated
second_operand_omitted two-operand conditional expressions are not supported in default arguments
flexible_array_member_alias type containing an unknown-size array may alias another element
unsupported_feature Unsupported feature: %s
address_of_label no label with address taken exists in current scope
address_of_label_not_support address of label not support in C++
expr_not_complex expression must have complex type
tag_1234 ec_removed_1234
unsupported_vla_type unsupported underlying vla type (non-POD (Plain Old Data) class type)
empty_case_range empty case range
ansi_case_range case ranges are an extension to standard C/C++
use_of_incomplete_type declaration with incomplete element type is nonstandard
no_previous_push_macro no previous #pragma push_macro for %sq
tag_1240 ec_removed_1240
tag_1241 ec_removed_1241
tag_1242 ec_removed_1242
tag_1243 ec_removed_1243
tag_1244 ec_removed_1244
tag_1245 ec_removed_1245
tag_1246 ec_removed_1246
tag_1247 ec_removed_1247
tag_1248 ec_removed_1248
tag_1249 ec_removed_1249
type_decl_in_anon_union types cannot be declared in anonymous unions
returning_ptr_to_local_variable returning pointer to local variable
returning_ptr_to_local_temp returning pointer to local temporary
cl_export_template_option_only_in_cplusplus option \"export\" can be used only when compiling C++
cl_export_template_requires_dep_name option \"export\" cannot be used with \"no_dep_name\"
cl_export_template_requires_no_implicit_include option \"export\" cannot be used with \"implicit_include\"
corresp_decl_incompatible declaration of %n is incompatible with a declaration in another translation unit
corresp_decl_at the other declaration is %p
tag_1258 detected during compilation of secondary translation unit %sq
tag_1259 compilation of secondary translation unit %sq
field_cannot_involve_vla_type a field declaration cannot have a type involving a variable length array
entity_differs_in_other_trans_unit declaration of %n had a different meaning during compilation of %sq
exp_template expected \"template\"
export_on_instantiation \"export\" cannot be used on an explicit instantiation
bad_decl_for_export \"export\" cannot be used on this declaration
exported_in_unnamed_namespace a member of an unnamed namespace cannot be declared \"export\"
export_after_definition a template cannot be declared \"export\" after it has been defined
labeled_declaration a declaration cannot have a label
no_export_support support for exported templates is disabled
cannot_open_exported_template_file cannot open exported template file: %sq
entity_defined_in_other_trans_unit %n already defined during compilation of %sq
entity_defined_twice %n already defined in another translation unit
based_var_cannot_be_local a non-static local variable may not be used in a __based specification
cl_list_make_dependencies_incompatible_with_multiple_trans_units the option to list makefile dependencies may not be specified when compiling more than one translation unit
tag_1274 ec_removed_1274
cl_pp_output_incompatible_with_multiple_trans_units the option to generate preprocessed output may not be specified when compiling more than one translation unit
field_name_conflicts_with_class a field with the same name as its class cannot be declared in a class with a user-declared constructor
cl_implicit_include_incompatible_with_multiple_trans_units \"implicit_include\" cannot be used when compiling more than one translation unit
corrupted_export_template_file exported template file %sq is corrupted
exported_instantiation_and_specialized %n cannot be instantiated -- it has been explicitly specialized in the translation unit containing the exported definition
tag_1280 object type is: %s
unqual_named_function_with_qual_object the object has cv-qualifiers that are not compatible with the member %n
no_matching_function_due_to_selector no instance of %n matches the argument list and object (the object has cv-qualifiers that prevent a match)
mode_incompatible_with_type an attribute specifies a mode incompatible with %t
no_type_of_specified_width there is no type with the width specified
bad_attribute_alignment invalid alignment value specified by attribute
attribute_does_not_apply_to_type invalid attribute for %t
attribute_does_not_apply invalid attribute for %n
attribute_does_not_apply_to_param invalid attribute for parameter
arguments_provided_for_attribute attribute %sq does not take arguments
tag_1290 ec_removed_1290
exp_attribute_name expected an attribute name
unrecognized_attribute attribute %sq ignored
attribute_not_allowed attributes may not appear here
invalid_argument_to_attribute invalid argument to attribute %sq
packed_attribute_ignored_in_typedef the \"packed\" attribute is ignored in a typedef
assigned_goto_requires_void_ptr in \"goto *expr\", expr must have type \"void *\"
nonstd_assigned_goto \"goto *expr\" is nonstandard
nonstd_address_of_label taking the address of a label is nonstandard
cl_duplicate_file_name file name specified more than once:
tag_1300 ec_removed_1300
attribute_only_in_func_def attribute %sq is only allowed in a function definition
transparent_type_is_not_union the \"transparent_union\" attribute only applies to unions, and %t is not a union
transparent_attribute_ignored the \"transparent_union\" attribute is ignored on incomplete types
union_cannot_be_transparent_sym %t cannot be transparent because %n does not have the same size as the union
union_cannot_be_transparent %t cannot be transparent because it has a field of type %t which is not the same size as the union
transparent_variable only parameters can be transparent
attribute_does_not_apply_to_local_variable the %sq attribute does not apply to local variables
attributes_in_rout_defn attributes are not permitted in a function definition
local_labels_only_in_statement_expressions declarations of local labels should only appear at the start of statement expressions
invalid_case_range the second constant in a case range must be larger than the first
asm_name_in_rout_defn an asm name is not permitted in a function definition
asm_name_in_typedef an asm name is ignored in a typedef
bad_reg_name unknown register name \"%s\"
asm_modifier_ignored modifier letter '%s' ignored in asm operand
bad_asm_constraint_modifier unknown asm constraint modifier '%s'
bad_asm_constraint_letter unknown asm constraint letter '%s'
missing_constraint_letter asm operand has no constraint letter
asm_output_must_have_output_mod an asm output operand must have one of the '=' or '+' modifiers
asm_input_must_not_have_output_mod an asm input operand may not have the '=' or '+' modifiers
too_many_asm_operands too many operands to asm statement (maximum is 30; '+' modifier adds an implicit operand)
too_many_asm_colons too many colons in asm statement
register_used_twice register \"%s\" used more than once
register_used_and_clobbered register \"%s\" is both used and clobbered
register_clobbered_twice register \"%s\" clobbered more than once
fixed_register_used register \"%s\" has a fixed purpose and may not be used in an asm statement
fixed_register_clobbered register \"%s\" has a fixed purpose and may not be clobbered in an asm statement
empty_clobbers_list an empty clobbers list must be omitted entirely
exp_asm_operand expected an asm operand
exp_asm_clobber expected a register to clobber
format_rout_not_varargs \"format\" attribute applied to %n which does not have variable arguments
subst_arg_is_not_variable first substitution argument is not the first variable argument
fmt_arg_does_not_exist format argument index is greater than number of parameters
fmt_arg_is_not_string format argument does not have string type
template_not_in_template the \"template\" keyword used for syntactic disambiguation may only be used within a template
tag_1335 a debug option must be specified on the command-line for the db_opt pragma to be used
tag_1336 ec_removed_1336
attr_requires_func_type attribute does not apply to non-function type %t
nonobject_pointer_arithmetic arithmetic on pointer to void or function type
invalid_storage_class_in_for_init storage class must be auto or register
va_arg_would_have_been_promoted %t1 would have been promoted to %t2 when passed through the ellipsis parameter; use the latter type instead
not_a_base_class_member %sq is not a base class member
super_after_scope __super cannot appear after \"::\"
super_not_in_class __super may only be used in a class scope
unqualified_super __super must be followed by \"::\"
multiline_string possible missing closing quote; scanning a multi-line string
omp_task_in_taskq task directive must be in lexical extent of taskq directive
omp_taskq_nearest taskq construct must be the nearest lexically enclosing construct for any task directive
cl_invalid_dependency_file invalid makefile dependency file
cl_cannot_open_dependency_file cannot open makefile dependency file
cl_invalid_dependency_option dependency option must also be specified
context_lines_skipped [ %s instantiation contexts not shown ]
mangled_name_too_long mangled name is too long
ssp_two_stride directive cannot contain more than one stride clause
ssp_compute_in_thread %s directive must be in lexical extent of thread directive
ssp_illegal_default_none_var Variable in ssp thread construct must appear in exactly one of shared, captureprivate, or sync clause
ssp_directive_nonloop directive bound to non-loop
optimizer_limit_exceeded optimization disabled due to excessive resource requirements; contact Intel Premier Support for assistance
aliased_name_undeclared declaration aliased to unknown entity %sq
aliased_name_bad_kind declaration does not match its alias %n
alias_cannot_have_definition entity declared as alias cannot have definition
vla_size_ignored variable-length array field type will be treated as zero-length array field type
gcc_lvalue_cast_ignored nonstandard cast on lvalue ignored
cl_invalid_flag_name unrecognized flag name
qualified_void_return_type void return type cannot be qualified
auto_ignored the auto specifier is ignored here (invalid in standard C/C++)
alignment_reduction_ignored a reduction in alignment without the \"packed\" attribute is ignored
corresp_member_template_is_different_kind a member template corresponding to %no is declared as a template of a different kind in another translation unit
excess_initializers_ignored excess initializers are ignored
va_start_requires_ellipsis_function va_start should only appear in a function with an ellipsis parameter
cl_short_enums_requires_gcc_mode the \"short_enums\" option is only valid in GNU C mode
bad_export_info_file invalid export information file %sq1 at line number %s2
ignoring_inline_definition_because_of_alias inline function also declared as an alias; definition ignored
omp_ordered_in_critical ordered directive is not allowed in extent of critical region bound to same parallel
nounroll_take_no_args pragma nounroll does not take any arguments
external_import_export %s must have external linkage in order to be imported/exported
omp_barrier_flush_context The smallest statement containing a %sq pragma must be a block or compound statement
omp_branch_out_of_construct %sq1 branches to or from an OpenMP structured block are illegal
omp_chunksize_variable_not_shared Variable %no in OpenMP schedule clause should appear on shared list
omp_copyin_only_on_threadprivate copyin variable %no in OpenMP parallel pragma must appear earlier in threadprivate pragma
omp_copyprivate_must_be_private variable %no on COPYPRIVATE list must have private semantics in region
omp_copyprivate_on_private_list variable %no on COPYPRIVATE list cannot appear on a PRIVATE or FIRSTPRIVATE list also
omp_index_must_be_shared_on_region Index variable %no on OpenMP worksharing construct must be shared on the corresponding region pragma
omp_index_var_only_private index variable %no of for statement following an OpenMP for pragma must be private
omp_reduction_var_shared reduction variable %no must be shared on entry to this OpenMP pragma
omp_threadprivate_only_on_copyin %sq clause of OpenMP pragma cannot contain threadprivate variable %no
omp_variable_on_data_construct %no must be specified in a variable list at enclosing OpenMP parallel pragma
omp_variable_on_one_list %no1 can only appear on one data scope attribute clause in an OpenMP pragma (except firstprivate and lastprivate)
omp_section_outside_sections \"section\" OpenMP pragma must appear immediately inside a \"sections\" block
omp_pfor_pragma_on_for a for statement must follow an OpenMP for pragma
omp_chunksize_le_zero OpenMP chunksize must be greater than zero
omp_illegal_directive_nesting the OpenMP %sq1 pragma must not be enclosed by the %sq2 pragma
omp_reprivatized_variable variable %no in firstprivate or lastprivate clause of an OpenMP pragma must be shared in the enclosing context
omp_ordered_not_in_ordered_for \"ordered\" pragma must be enclosed by a %sq1 OpenMP block which is ordered
omp_ordered_inside_task \"ordered\" OpenMP pragma must be nested in \"task\"
omp_task_inside_taskq task OpenMP pragma must bind to a taskq pragma in the current function
omp_sections_not_on_block \"sections\" OpenMP pragma must be on a block
omp_ordered_not_in_for \"ordered\" pragma must be enclosed by a %s OpenMP block
omp_stmt_in_sections_needs_section_pragma any block but the first must have \"section\" OpenMP pragma
omp_should_be_section_pragma OpenMP pragma in \"sections\" should be \"section\", not %sq1
omp_dvsm_main_argc_argv NetGuide (DVSM) requires main to have at least two parameters (argc,argv)
omp_for_index_signed_integer_type Index variable %no for OpenMP for must be a signed integer type
omp_pfor_increment_must_be_int OpenMP for increment must be an int
omp_pfor_index_is_reference Index variable %no in OpenMP \"for\" cannot be a reference type
omp_pfor_init_integer Initial condition value of OpenMP for must be an int
omp_pfor_needs_increment An OpenMP \"for\" must have a loop-invariant increment of integer type
omp_pfor_needs_initializer the for statement following an OpenMP for pragma must have an initializer of the form <index> = <expr>
omp_pfor_needs_terminator the for statement following an OpenMP for pragma must have a conditional of the form <index> {<,<=,>=,>} <expr>
omp_pfor_terminator_integer Terminating condition value of OpenMP for must be an int
omp_private_constructor Variable must have an accessible, unambiguous default constructor
omp_no_chunk_allowed Chunk_size not allowed with schedule(runtime)
omp_threadprivate_referenced Threadprivate directive must lexically precede all references to any variables in its list
gnu_asm_bad_register_type variable type %t1 not suitable for a register
gnu_asm_register_mismatch register %s's type does not match variable type %t1
statement_expression_in_function_only statement expressions are only allowed in block scope
tag_1415 from translation unit
asm_name_on_auto_variable an asm name is ignored on a non-register automatic variable
omp_var_not_allowed %s variable cannot be specified in this clause
undeclared_external_def external definition with no prior declaration
external_decl_in_primary_src external declaration in primary source file
for_init_hides_declaration declaration in for-initializer hides a declaration in the surrounding scope
for_init_hidden_declaration the hidden declaration is %p
path_file_not_found %s not found; Intel(R) Threading Tools must be installed
cannot_define_dllimport_static_data_member a static data member declared \"dllimport\" may not be defined
intrin_const_param intrinsic parameter must be an immediate value
omp_throw_in_region throw cannot be used to exit %s region
omp_nowait_conflict copyprivate and nowait cannot be used together
const_qualifier_asm_ignored const qualifier on asm is ignored
bad_dll_def definition of dllimport data not allowed
declaration_hides_for_init variable declaration hides declaration in for-initializer
typedef_in_elab_type typedef %sq may not be used in an elaborated type specifier
call_of_zero call of zero constant ignored
gnu_style_asm cannot declare Gnu-style asm when -use_msasm is specified
omp_questionable OpenMP %s may not conform
omp_invalid_default default value must be one of {shared,none}
unimplemented_stdc_pragma unimplemented STDC pragma ignored
nonstd_ignored_array_cast nonstandard cast to array type ignored
expected_integer_constant argument must be an integer constant between 0 and %s
omp_privatized_reduction_variable variable %no in private, firstprivate, or lastprivate clause of an OpenMP pragma must not be a reduction variable in the enclosing context
unrecognized_upc_pragma unrecognized UPC pragma
mismatched_shared_block_size shared block size does not match one previously specified
ambiguous_block_size_spec bracketed expression is assumed to be a block size specification rather than an array dimension
shared_block_size_must_be_positive the block size of a shared array must be greater than zero
multiple_block_sizes multiple block sizes not allowed
nonshared_strict_relaxed strict or relaxed requires shared
threads_constant_not_allowed THREADS not allowed in this context
shared_block_size_too_large block size specified exceeds the maximum value of %s
function_returning_shared function returning shared is not allowed
tag_1448 ec_removed_1448
shared_nonthreads_dim one dimension of an array of a shared type must be a multiple of THREADS when the number of threads is nonconstant
shared_inside_struct shared type inside a struct or union is not allowed
shared_parameter parameters may not have shared types
threads_dimension_requires_definite_block_size a dynamic THREADS dimension requires a definite block size
bad_shared_storage_class shared variables must be static or extern
nonshared_blocksizeof argument of upc_blocksizeof is a pointer to a shared type (not shared type itself)
nested_upc_forall affinity expression ignored in nested upc_forall
exit_forall branching into or out of a upc_forall loop is not allowed
bad_affinity affinity expression must have a shared type or point to a shared type
shared_affinity_type affinity has shared type (not pointer to shared)
upc_shared_void_comparison shared void* types can only be compared for equality
cl_upc_requires_ansi_c_dialect UPC mode is incompatible with C++ and K&R modes
null_char_ignored null (zero) character in input line ignored
null_char_in_string null (zero) character in string or character constant
null_char_in_header_name null (zero) character in header name
prototype_lost the prototype declaration of %nfd is ignored after this unprototyped redeclaration
tag_1465 ec_removed_1465
bad_linkage_for_redefine_extname %npd must have external C linkage
handler_redeclares_parameter parameter %sq may not be redeclared in a catch clause of function try block
specialization_out_of_namespace the initial explicit specialization of %n must be declared in the namespace containing the template
cc_clobber_ignored \"cc\" clobber ignored
invalid_token_after_template \"template\" must be followed by an identifier
mythread_constant_not_allowed MYTHREAD not allowed in this context
bad_upc_shared_pointer_layout_qualifier layout qualifier cannot qualify pointer to shared
bad_upc_shared_array_layout_qualifier layout qualifier cannot qualify an incomplete array
decl_hides_catch_parameter declaration of %sq hides handler parameter
invalid_pragma_operator this pragma cannot be used in a _Pragma operator (a #pragma directive must be used)
field_uses_tail_padding field uses tail padding of a base class
gnu_may_use_bit_padding GNU C++ compilers may use bit field padding
deprecated_entity %nd was declared \"deprecated\"
hidden_anonymous_union_field this anonymous union/struct field is hidden by %nd
field_with_asm_name_not_allowed an asm name is not allowed on a nonstatic member declaration
nonlocal_label_reference labels can be referenced only in function definitions
jump_out_of_finally %s : jump out of __finally block has undefined behaviour during termination handling
branch_into_statement_expr transfer of control into a statement expression is not allowed
branch_out_of_statement_expr transfer of control out of a statement expression is not allowed
bad_statement_in_statement_expr this statement is not allowed inside of a statement expression
class_def_in_statement_expr a non-POD (Plain Old Data) class definition is not allowed inside of a statement expression
destr_in_statement_expr destructible entities are not allowed inside of a statement expression
dyn_local_static_in_statement_expr a dynamically-initialized local static variable is not allowed inside of a statement expression
vla_in_statement_expr a variable-length array is not allowed inside of a statement expression
statement_expr_in_default_arg a statement expression is not allowed inside of a default argument
hidden_by_old_for_init_ms definition from the enclosing scope %nd1 :is used. definition from the for loop %nd2 is ignored
show_value_of_pragma_conform value of pragma conform(forScope, show) == %sq
push_pop_pragma_conform expected pragma parameter to be 'on' or 'off'
pop_pragma_conform #pragma conform(pop,...) : did not find previously pushed identifer %sq
unexpected_identifier unexpected token 'identifier'
omp_bad_threadshared_var threadshared variable should not be incomplete or reference type
omp_threadshared_referenced threadshared directive must lexically precede all references to any variables in its list
unrecognized_format_function_type unrecognized format function type %sq ignored
base_uses_tail_padding base class %no1 uses tail padding of base class %no2
bad_variable_for_init_priority the \"init_priority\" attribute can only be used for definitions of static data members and namespace scope variables of class types
init_priority_reserved requested initialization priority is reserved for internal use
invalid_error_number invalid error number
invalid_error_tag invalid error tag
exp_error_argument expected an error number or error tag
size_affected_by_tail_padding size of class is affected by tail padding
unexpected_noprefetch_arguments unexpected argument for noprefetch
expected_positive_integer expected positive integer
cl_invalid_gnu_version invalid GNU version number:
no_gnu_virtual_base_gap GNU layout bug not emulated because it places virtual base %no1 outside %no2 object boundaries
gnu_virtual_base_gap virtual base %no1 placed outside %no2 object boundaries
ptr_func_ptr_data_conv nonstandard conversion between pointer to function and pointer to data
interface_cannot_have_virtual_base interface types cannot have virtual base classes
interface_cannot_have_private_or_protected interface types cannot specify \"private\" or \"protected\"
interface_must_derive_from_interface interface types can only derive from other interface types
type_is_interface %t is an interface type
interface_cannot_have_typedef interface types cannot have typedef members
interface_cannot_have_ctor_or_dtor interface types cannot have user-declared constructors or destructors
interface_cannot_have_operator interface types cannot have user-declared member operators
interface_cannot_be_local interface types cannot be declared in functions
interface_cannot_be_template cannot declare interface templates
interface_cannot_have_data_member interface types cannot have data members
interface_cannot_have_friend interface types cannot contain friend declarations
interface_cannot_have_nested_class interface types cannot have nested classes
interface_cannot_be_nested_class interface types cannot be nested class types
interface_cannot_have_member_templates interface types cannot have member templates
interface_cannot_have_static_members interface types cannot have static member functions
invalid_microsoft_pragma_operator this pragma cannot be used in a __pragma operator (a #pragma directive must be used)
qualifier_must_be_base_class qualifier must be base class of %t
invalid_selective_overrider_declaration declaration must correspond to a pure virtual member function in the indicated base class
integer_overflow_class_internal integer overflow in internal computation due to size or complexity of %t
integer_overflow_internal integer overflow in internal computation
invalid_type_for_w64 __w64 can only be specified on int, long, and pointer types
ilp64_will_narrow potentially narrowing conversion when compiled in an environment where int, long, or pointer types are 64 bits wide
value_of_pragma_pack_show current value of pragma pack is %s
pragma_pack_show_args_ignored arguments for pragma pack(show) are ignored
bad_alignment_specifier invalid alignment specifier value
exp_int_literal expected an integer literal
multiple_declspec_align earlier __declspec(align(...)) ignored
exp_ms_attr_enum_value expected an argument value for the %sq attribute parameter
invalid_ms_attr_enum_value invalid argument value for the %sq attribute parameter
exp_ms_attr_bool_value expected a boolean value for the %sq attribute parameter
positional_after_named a positional argument cannot follow a named argument in an attribute
invalid_ms_attr_name attribute %sq1 has no parameter named %sq2
exp_ms_attr_arg_list expected an argument list for the %sq attribute
exp_comma_or_rbracket expected a \",\" or \"]\"
duplicate_ms_attr_arg attribute argument %sq has already been given a value
cannot_assign_to_ms_attr a value cannot be assigned to the %sq attribute
ptr_incomplete_throw a throw expression may not have pointer-to-incomplete type
alignof_incomplete_type alignment-of operator applied to incomplete type
invalid_use_of_standalone_ms_attr %sq may only be used as a standalone attribute
invalid_use_of_ms_attr %sq attribute cannot be used here
unrecognized_ms_attr unrecognized attribute %sq
ms_attr_not_allowed attributes are not allowed here
invalid_ms_attr_uuid_value invalid argument value for the %sq attribute parameter
too_many_ms_attr_args too many attribute arguments
conv_from_inaccessible_base_class conversion from inaccessible base class %t is not allowed
cl_export_template_requires_distinct_templ_sigs option \"export\" requires distinct template signatures
declspec_align_reduction_ignored reduction in alignment ignored
infinities_not_supported target floating-point format does not support infinities
bad_storage_for_template_instantiation storage class %s applied to explicit template instantiation for %n
const_assigned_goto expr in \"goto *expr\" is constant
bad_strong_using_scope a strong using-directive may only appear in a namespace scope
taking_address_of_temporary taking the address of a temporary
x87_fp_instruction_not_supported x87 fp instruction is not supported
attribute_ignored_on_incomplete_class_decl attributes are ignored on a class declaration that is not also a definition
alloc_is_not_allowed_in_filter_or_finally '_alloca' cannot be called from within a filter expression or __finally block
alloc_is_not_allowed_in_catch_block '_alloca' cannot be called from within a catch block
seh_intrinsic_function %s : bad context for intrinsic function
duplicate_typedef_in_class class member typedef may not be redeclared
only_one_form_exception_handling Only one form of exception handling permitted per function
enum_const_cast const_cast to enum type is nonstandard
floating_point_equality floating-point equality and inequality comparisons are unreliable
exception_handling_disabled try block found but exception handling is disabled
struct_class_union_not_supported_for_prefetch struct, class, and union are not supported for prefetch or noprefetch
bit_field_initial_address bit field can not be statically initialized with an address
gnu_asm_nested_dialect invalid 'asm': nested assembly dialect alternatives
gnu_asm_unterminated_dialect invalid `asm': unterminated assembly dialect alternative
global_reg_value_out_of_range bad __global_reg value, expecting value between 1 and 8, but not 4 in thumb mode
global_reg_type_not_allowed __global_reg cannot be used with this type
global_reg_scope_not_allowed __global_reg not allowed in this scope
global_reg_storage_class_not_allowed __global_reg may not be used with this storage class
global_reg_initialization_not_allowed __global_reg may not be initialized
global_reg_address_of_variable taking the address of a global register variable is not allowed
swi_value_out_of_range bad __swi, __swi_indirect value
swi_function_declaration_required __swi and __swi_indirect are allowed for function declarations only
value_in_regs_function_required __value_in_regs can only be used in function definition or declaration
value_in_regs_copyconst __value_in_regs cannot be used with structure types having copy constructor
value_in_regs_size_limit __value_in_regs return type size may not be more than 16 bytes
arm_packed_ignored __packed is ignored
arm_packed_inconsistent_type type is inconsistent with __packed
value_in_regs_ignored __value_in_regs is ignored
pch_through_header_not_found %sq was specified with /Yc or /Yu; related #include not found
pch_through_header_not_found_before_hdrstop %sq was specified with /Yc or /Yu; related #include not found before #pragma hdrstop
incomplete_class_return_type function returns incomplete class type %t
non_pod_passed_to_ellipsis non-POD (Plain Old Data) class type passed through ellipsis
clomp_list_auto_promoted Made sharable: %n
clomp_list_not_sharable Not made sharable: %n
clomp_check_reference Check that argument associated with %n at each call site is sharable
local_variable_hidden declaration hides %nd
integer_reg_name using an integer to specify a register is not portable
cdecl_varargs __cdecl must be used with \"...\"
thiscall_member_function __thiscall can only be used on native member functions
clrcall_ignored __clrcall not supported
clrcall_nonmanaged_code __clrcall can only be called from managed code
asm_syntax_error inline assembler syntax error
mmx_instruction_not_supported MMX instructions are not supported on this platform
dll_thread_conflict a thread-local variable cannot be declared with \"dllimport\" or \"dllexport\"
cannot_initialize_destructible_flexible_array an initializer cannot be specified for a flexible array member whose elements have a nontrivial destructor
cannot_initialize_indirect_flexible_array an initializer cannot be specified for an indirect flexible array member
cannot_open_message_catalog Could not open message catalog %s in NLSPATH/LANG. Using internal messages.
mixed_string_concatenation narrow and wide string literals cannot be concatenated
nonstd_qualifier_in_namespace_member_decl nonstandard qualified name in namespace member declaration
const_ignored const qualifier ignored
invalid_asm_qualifiers invalid GNU asm qualifiers
non_pod_va_arg a non-POD (Plain Old Data) class type cannot be fetched by va_arg
nonstd_fixed_point_suffix the 'u' or 'U' suffix must appear before the 'l' or 'L' suffix in a fixed-point literal
cl_fixed_point_option_only_in_C option \"fixed_point\" can be used only when compiling C
integer_may_not_fit_in_fixed_point_result integer operand may cause fixed-point overflow
bad_fixed_point_value fixed-point constant is out of range
inexact_fxp_conversion fixed-point value cannot be represented exactly
c99_constant_in_unsigned_long_long_range constant is too large for long long; given unsigned long long type (nonstandard)
bad_upc_shared_void_pointer_layout_qualifier layout qualifier cannot qualify pointer to shared void
duplicate_threads_dim duplicate THREADS in multidimensional array type
probable_guiding_friend %nf declares a non-template function -- add <> to refer to a template instance
operation_may_not_fit_in_fixed_point_result operation may cause fixed-point overflow
expr_not_integral_or_enum_or_fixed_point expression must have integral, enum, or fixed-point type
expr_not_integral_or_fixed_point expression must have integral or fixed-point type
noreturn_function_does_return function declared with \"noreturn\" does return
asm_name_conflict asm name ignored because it conflicts with a previous declaration
implicit_fixed_point_to_floating_point_conversion fixed-point value implicitly converted to floating-point type
no_classification_for_fixed_point_type fixed-point types have no classification
fixed_template_parameter a template parameter may not have fixed-point type
hex_fp_constant hexadecimal floating-point constants are not allowed
cl_named_address_spaces_option_only_in_C option \"named_address_spaces\" can be used only when compiling C
float_to_fixed_conversion floating-point value does not fit in required fixed-point type
inexact_fixed_conversion value cannot be converted to fixed-point value exactly
fixed_sign_change fixed-point conversion resulted in a change of sign
integer_to_fixed_conversion integer value does not fit in required fixed-point type
bad_fixed_operation_result fixed-point operation result is out of range
multiple_named_address_spaces multiple named address spaces
bad_storage_class_for_named_address_space_variable variable with automatic storage duration cannot be stored in a named address space
type_with_named_address_space_not_allowed type cannot be qualified with named address space
named_address_space_on_function_type function type cannot be qualified with named address space
field_type_cannot_be_qualified_with_named_address_space field type cannot be qualified with named address space
fixed_to_float_conversion fixed-point value does not fit in required floating-point type
fixed_to_integer_conversion fixed-point value does not fit in required integer type
fixed_to_fixed_conversion value does not fit in required fixed-point type
cl_named_registers_option_only_in_C option \"named_registers\" can be used only when compiling C
named_register_not_allowed a named-register storage class is not allowed here
register_storage_class_conflict %nd redeclared with incompatible named-register storage class
aliased_variable_cannot_have_register_storage_class named-register storage class cannot be specified for aliased variable
register_in_use named-register storage specifier is already in use
embedded_c_option_incompatible_with_individual_feature_options option \"embedded_c\" cannot be combined with options to control individual Embedded C features
cl_invalid_edg_base_directory invalid EDG_BASE directory:
cannot_open_predef_macro_file cannot open predefined macro file: %sq
bad_predef_macro_line invalid predefined macro entry at line %s: %s2
bad_macro_mode_name invalid macro mode name %sq
bad_predef_macro_redef incompatible redefinition of predefined macro %sq
missing_named_register_storage_class redeclaration of %nd is missing a named-register storage class
register_too_small named register is too small for the type of the variable
no_named_register_for_array arrays cannot be declared with named-register storage class
cl_embedded_c_option_only_in_C option \"embedded_c\" can be used only when compiling C
bad_msfp_pragma_arg expected \"on\" or \"off\"
bad_float_control_pragma_arg expected \"precise\", \"except\", \"push\", or \"pop\"
exp_comma_or_rparen expected a \",\" or \")\"
bad_fc_push_pragma_arg expected \"push\"
must_turn_off_except exception semantics must be turned off before turning off this float_control mode
must_turn_off_fenv_access fenv_access must be turned off before turning off this float_control mode
must_be_precise exception semantics cannot be enabled except in precise, source, double, and extended modes
msfp_pragma_not_allowed_here this pragma may only appear between declarations in the global scope or before any statements or declarations in a block scope
cl_unsupported_fp_fast_arg unsupported floating-point model \"fast\" argument:
invalid_pragma_expr invalid expression in pragma will be ignored
invalid_memref_locality invalid locality, should be \"l1\", \"l2\", \"l3\", or \"mem\"
invalid_memref_latency invalid latency, should be \"l1_latency\", \"l2_latency\", \"l3_latency\", or \"mem_latency\"
fenv_must_be_precise fenv_access cannot be enabled except in precise, source, double, and extended modes
cl_unsupported_arg_fp unsupported argument to floating-point option:
illegal_float_control_pop cannot restore a non-precise floating-point mode while fenv_access is enabled
cl_cannot_enable_speculation cannot enable speculation unless fenv_access and exception_semantics are disabled
cl_fltacc_conflict floating-point accuracy option conflicts with the floating-point mode specification
cl_eval_method_conflicts this option conflicts with the floating-point mode specification:
el_extended_not_supported the \"extended\" floating-point model is not supported on this platform
impl_narrowing_64_bit_int implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem)
expl_narrowing_64_bit_int explicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem)
pointer_conversion_to_same_size_int conversion from pointer to same-sized integral type (potential portability problem)
base_class_export base class %t is implicitly %sq1 but the following declaration(s) are explicitly declared %sq2; %sq2 ignored:
size_of_variable local variable exceeds maximum allowable size
size_of_stack total size of local stack frame exceeds maximum allowable size
size_of_param total size of parameter block exceeds maximum allowable size
invalid_access_specifier invalid use of access specifier is ignored
optimization_level_out_of_range optimization level must be between 0 and 3
inapplicable_opt_level optimization level applies only to function definitions
white_space_inside_splice white space between backslash and newline in line splice ignored
except_not_allowed __except may not appear in termination block
bad_byte_order byte order must be 'littleendian', 'bigendian', 'default', or 'default_header'
byte_order_stack_empty byte order stack is empty, pop ignored
impl_pointer_conversion_byte_order_mismatch implicit pointer conversion changes byte order
pointer_conversion_byte_order_mismatch pointer conversion changes byte order
extern_prefix_stack_empty extern prefix stack is empty, pop ignored
invalid_extern_prefix pragma parameter must be 'push', 'pop', or prefix string
adjacent_bitf_with_diff_byte_order adjacent bit fields have different byte order
poisoned_identifier cannot use poisoned identifier
poisoning_defined_macro poisoning an existing macro
null_format_string NULL format string
zero_length_format_string zero-length format string
embedded_null_in_format_string embedded null character in format string
bad_attr_placement byte order attributes are not supported here
invalid_regexp invalid regular expression:
bad_prolog_file cannot open prolog file %sq
bad_epilog_file cannot open epilog file %sq
reference_to_static reference to statically allocated variable %no
assignment_to_static assignment to statically allocated variable %no
address_of_static address taken of statically allocated variable %no
named_address_space_not_allowed a named address space qualifier is not allowed here
bad_initializer_for_array_with_unspecified_bound an empty initializer is invalid for an array with unspecified bound
out_of_class_initializer_ignored %n has already been initialized; the out-of-class initializer will be ignored
named_address_space_for_parameter a parameter cannot be allocated in a named address space
bad_float_or_fixed_suffix invalid suffix on fixed-point or floating-point constant
register_in_address_space a register variable cannot be allocated in a named address space
bad_stdc_fx_overflow_pragma_arg expected \"SAT\" or \"DEFAULT\"
no_corresponding_member_delete %n has no corresponding member operator delete%s (to be called if an exception is thrown during initialization of an allocated object)
function_returning_named_address_space a function return type cannot be qualified with a named address space
attribute_after_parenthesized_initializer variable attributes appearing after a parenthesized initializer are ignored
gcc_use_of_cast_as_lvalue the result of this cast cannot be used as an lvalue
unsigned_fixed_point_negation negation of an unsigned fixed-point value
operator_not_allowed this operator is not allowed at this point; use parentheses
nonconstant_flexible_array_member_init flexible array member initializer must be constant
register_name_on_nonregister register names can only be used for register variables
void_named_register named-register variables cannot have void type
declspec_invalid __declspec modifiers not valid for this declaration
parameter_with_link_scope_specifier parameters cannot have link scope specifiers
multiple_link_scope_specifiers multiple link scope specifiers
link_scope_requires_external_linkage link scope specifiers can only appear on functions and variables with external linkage
link_scope_relaxation a redeclaration cannot weaken a link scope
invalid_link_scope link scope specifier not allowed on this declaration
nonstd_qualifier_in_global_scope_decl nonstandard qualified name in global scope declaration
dll_interface_conflict_none_assumed dllexport/dllimport conflict with %nod; dllimport/dllexport dropped
dll_interface_ignored_on_class_template dllexport and dllimport are ignored on class templates
base_class_has_different_dll_interface base class dllexport/dllimport specification differs from that of the derived class
redeclaration_adds_dll_interface redeclaration cannot add dllexport/dllimport to %nod
dll_interface_conflict_dllexport_assumed dllexport/dllimport conflict with %nod; dllexport assumed
dllimport_defined cannot define dllimport entity
dll_interface_requires_external_linkage dllexport/dllimport requires external linkage
class_and_member_have_dll_interface a member of a class declared with dllexport/dllimport cannot itself be declared with such a specifier
field_without_dll_interface field of class type without a DLL interface used in a class with a DLL interface
class_and_inherited_member_instance_have_dll_interface member %nd already has an explicit dllexport/dllimport specifier
arm_packed_mismatch __packed specifier does not match type definition
asm_bad_symbol illegal symbol for assembly operand
pascal_string_too_long pascal string exceeds 255 bytes
unknown_options_alignment_value unknown alignment specifier, expecting [reset|power|natural|mac68k|packed]
unknown_options_kind unknown options type, expecting align
invalid_symbolic_asm_operand_name invalid symbolic operand name %sq
match_limit_for_symbolic_asm_operand a symbolic match constraint must refer to one of the first ten operands
positional_format_specifier_zero positional format specifier cannot be zero
cannot_use_thread_local_storage only static and extern variables can use thread-local storage
multiple_thread_local_storage_specifiers multiple thread-local storage specifiers
friend_specifier_ignored friend specifier is not allowed in a class definition; friend specifier is ignored
virtual_function_never_defined virtual %n was not defined (and cannot be defined elsewhere because it is a member of an unnamed namespace)
stray_carriage_return carriage return character in source line outside of comment or character/string literal
expr_not_fixed_point expression must have fixed-point type
ptr_conv_to_bool pointer converted to bool
ptr_to_member_conv_to_bool pointer-to-member converted to bool
storage_specifier_ignored storage specifier ignored
microsoft_parenthesized_member parenthesized member declaration is nonstandard
bad_nonstd_anonymous_union_field invalid member for anonymous member class -- class %t has a disallowed member function
nonstd_reinterpret_cast nonstandard reinterpret_cast
nonlocal_vla_not_allowed a local class cannot reference a variable-length array type from an enclosing function
vla_in_return_type a variable-length array is not allowed in a function return type
ptr_to_member_of_vla_type variable-length array type is not allowed in pointer to member of type %t
statement_expr_with_vla_type the result of a statement expression cannot have a type involving a variable-length array
unaligned_qualifier_dropped conversion drops \"__unaligned\" qualifier
clomp_sharable_fail sharable propagation failed for routine %sq
clomp_var_sharable sharable pragma should be inserted by user '#pragma intel omp sharable(%s)'
clomp_arg_sharable_fail ensure that argument %s of function call is declared as sharable
clomp_undef_sharable global variable %sq not made sharable since it is not allocated space in any compilation unit
clomp_temp_sharable sharable directive should be inserted by user for expression used as an argument %s
weak_aliases_not_supported weak aliases not supported; pragma ignored
strerror_without_msg %s
strerror_with_msg %s1: %s2
tag_1779 ec_removed_1779
tag_1780 ec_removed_1780
thread_local_storage_not_supported thread-local storage is not supported in this environment
pragma_once_obsolete #pragma once is obsolete. Use #ifndef guard instead.
name_must_be_prototype_instantiation template argument list of %sq must match the parameter list
use_of_deprecated_macro the %sq macro is deprecated and will not be defined by the compiler in a future release
feature_requires_cplusplus %sq is only allowed in C++
deprecated_entity_with_custom_message %nd was declared \"deprecated (%sq) \" |
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