In this fire we list properties of good error messages along with (if you have it) some proof as to why it is a good property.
From [On Compiler Error Messages: What They _Say_ and What They _Mean_](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2010/602570)
- Say not only what the problem is but why it is there
- Say how you can potentially solve the error
- Link to docs about concepts that need to be further explained to keep error messages short
- Don't blame the programmer
- Are positive
- use colors and stay consistent
- avoid reference to compiler internals
From [Towards Assessing the Readability of Programming Error Messages](https://dl.acm.org/doi/fullHtml/10.1145/3441636.3442320)
- Do not have too much jargon back to back, and link to explanations of the jargon used
- Are not too long
- Give relevant information
- Comes from the perspective of the user not the perspective of the compiler
- Are friendly
- assist you |