- 14 Nov, 2018 1 commit
Grzegorz Goral authored
Keeping the rest of variables using VARINT/NT/ANY as ICM_INT as they are related to shapes and array allocation - will be changed later
- 08 Sep, 2015 1 commit
Thomas Macht authored
Fixed bugs for DMGS and DMMLS optimisations. Added ew optimization: Keep pointers to start of local portion of distributed arrays in descriptor (DMPAD) Removed unused code. Fixed possible problems with unsigned/signed types. Turned runtime into compile time warning. Fixed SetShape bug.
- 25 Jun, 2015 1 commit
Thomas Macht authored
that (X - c) > X is always false [-Wstrict-overflow]" when compiling stdlib with type checks enabled. Distributed memory backend: - Introduced DSM distribution variant - Got broadcasts working. - Added option to enable trace output for a specific rank only. - Improved tracing. - Extended heap manager tracing.
- 15 Jun, 2015 1 commit
Thomas Macht authored
- Fixed warnings "may be uninitialized" for distmem mirror entries. - Added setting for minimum number of elements per node. - Added distributed memory heap manager distmemphm. Removed SAC_DISTMEM_Malloc and SAC_DISTMEM_seg_free_offs. Hopefully fixed diagnostic heap manager total memory. - Solved bug: only enter side effects execution mode once. - Only use barriers between broadcast phases if there is something to broadcast. - Improved detection of functions with side-effects. - Added exit code to libsacdistmem. - Moved logging of broadcasts to libsacdistmem. - Improved tracing, some refactoring and documentation. - Tried to improve detection of distributable arrays. - Now we are dealing with all possible inout/out arguments of functions with side effects. - Nested with-loops with sub-allocs should work.
- 08 Jun, 2015 1 commit
Thomas Macht authored
- Implemented runtime checks. - Added support for primitive modarray functions - Implemented profiling. - Improved tracing. - Arrays of all types are supported now. - Fixed bug in tracing reads from distributed arrays. - Fixed bug when calculating the distribution of an array with dim0 size = 0. - Updated options for distmem backend. - Added compiler phase to identify functions with side effects. - Distmem backend: added phase to identify distributable arrays. - Introduced execution modes for distmem backend to prevent nodes from getting out of sync and as a first step to support for nested with-loops. - Fixed bugs related to mirror/descriptor variables for DIS-variables Status: - All basic tests are working, embar.sac is not yet working.
- 24 May, 2015 1 commit
Thomas Macht authored
- 17 Apr, 2013 1 commit
Artem Shinkarov authored
After migration to git the annotations became useless, as they cannot be expanded under git. Part of the annotations were wrong even under svn. As for logs, all the logs can be retrieved per file using git log <filename>
- 09 Jul, 2012 1 commit
Jaroslav Sýkora authored
Partial fun application: "Unshare WL-fold index vectors" UFIV traversal, F_unshare primitive fun, ND_UNSHARE C-ICM and H-ICMs.
- 28 Feb, 2011 1 commit
Stephan Herhut authored
this patch, spawn now works on the microgrid, as well, at least with slc version 3.2.20-b3096. Furthermore, I have added rspawn, which will spawn on a remote core. The current implementation does not yet support multiple rc places as the barrier is only on the first argument.
- 27 Nov, 2009 1 commit
Clemens Grelck authored
manager. Among others this required the introduction of a C ICM ND_FUN_DEF_END, which has some consequences for mutc code generation.
- 23 Oct, 2009 1 commit
Jing Guo authored
- 28 Sep, 2009 1 commit
Stephan Herhut authored
- 13 Sep, 2009 1 commit
Carl Joslin authored
Added #pragma mutcthreadfun to indicate external functions that need to be called as threads. WARNING: mutcthreadfun is not propagated! SaC2C may create code of the form thread->c->thread. slc will not compile this until threads can be created from C.
- 02 Sep, 2009 1 commit
Carl Joslin authored
Some name changes of ICMs.
- 14 Aug, 2009 1 commit
Carl Joslin authored
- 13 Aug, 2009 2 commits
Clemens Grelck authored
Fixed a series of bugs in icm2c_std.c. Added missing standard comments. Added a few parts in mt.h.
Carl Joslin authored
- 12 May, 2009 1 commit
Carl Joslin authored
Corrected handling of arguments and parameters when they are pointers or descriptors. Added -target support. Added code to support objects to allow IO. Added string primitives.
- 05 May, 2009 1 commit
Carl Joslin authored
Fix for bug 488.
- 23 Jan, 2009 1 commit
Carl Joslin authored
- 31 May, 2007 1 commit
Stephan Herhut authored
- 29 Jan, 2007 1 commit
Clemens Grelck authored
- 14 Sep, 2005 1 commit
Stephan Herhut authored
- 21 Nov, 2004 1 commit
Kai Trojahner authored
- 10 Mar, 2004 1 commit
Dietmar Kreye authored
- 30 Sep, 2003 1 commit
Dietmar Kreye authored
- 29 Sep, 2003 1 commit
Dietmar Kreye authored
- 25 Sep, 2003 1 commit
Dietmar Kreye authored
- 20 Sep, 2003 1 commit
Dietmar Kreye authored
- 19 Sep, 2003 1 commit
Dietmar Kreye authored
- 17 Sep, 2003 2 commits
Dietmar Kreye authored
Dietmar Kreye authored
- 12 Jun, 2003 1 commit
Dietmar Kreye authored
- 29 Oct, 2002 1 commit
Dietmar Kreye authored
- 06 Sep, 2002 2 commits
Dietmar Kreye authored
Dietmar Kreye authored
- 05 Aug, 2002 1 commit
Dietmar Kreye authored
- 03 Aug, 2002 1 commit
Dietmar Kreye authored
- 02 Aug, 2002 1 commit
Dietmar Kreye authored
- 31 Jul, 2002 1 commit
Dietmar Kreye authored